an very simple and dirty pixelflut client to draw images, written in bash. pixelfloot was built during the 37c3.
Find a file
2024-01-04 21:37:54 +01:00
demo update readme, add screenshot 2024-01-02 03:59:09 +01:00
images add qrcode image 2024-01-03 15:27:40 +01:00
pixlists clean up and structure, improve fork stuff, works MUCH better now 2024-01-02 02:08:37 +01:00 idk what ive done here 2024-01-04 21:37:54 +01:00 README 2024-01-04 04:03:10 +01:00



an very simple and dirty pixelflut client to draw images, written in bash. pixelfloot was built during the 37c3. in its actual state, its just a mess. I hope i will find time to put it in a more usable and readable format.


  • Display image: ./ floot images/lucky-cat.jpg
    • set position: W=1337 H=420 ./ floot images/lucky-cat.jpg
  • image random position: ./ floot images/lucky-cat.jpg chaos
    • wider "chaos-radio": W=1000 H=600 ./ floot images/lucky-cat.jpg chaos
  • image shake position: ./ floot images/lucky-cat.jpg shake
    • set the position : W=420 H=420 ./ floot images/lucky-cat.jpg shake
  • image bounce across screen: ./ floot images/lucky-cat.jpg bounce
    • can set the "bounce-radius": X_MAX=1000 Y_MAX=500 ./ floot images/lucky-cat.jpg bounce
  • move image with your cursor (needs xdotool): ./ floot images/lucky-cat.jpg cursor
  • Use a color as "alpha" (remove background): ALPHACOLOR=FF00FF ./ floot images/cursor.ppm cursor
  • write text: TEXT="pixelflut makes a lot of fun! :)" ./ floot text
    • set the size of the Textbox and the textcolor: COLOR=FF00FF SIZE=240 TEXT="colors, yeah!" ./ floot text
    • you can also use ALPHACOLOR here, or set your: ALPHACOLOR=000000 TEXT="colors, yeah!" ./ floot text
    • define your own background color: BGCOLOR=0000FF SIZE=240 TEXT="colors, yeah!" ./ floot text
  • increase No of concurrent connections: FLOOTFORKS=8 ./ floot images/lucky-cat.jpg
  • specify IP and PORT: IPFLOOT= FLOOTPORT=1337 ./ floot images/lucky-cat.jpg
$ ./ help
./ [floot|convertimg] [FILENAME|fill|text] ([MODE])
MODE: static (env $H and $W for position)
      chaos (env $H and $W for position range)
      shake (env $H and $W for position range)
      bounce (env $Y_MAX and $X_MAX for max bounce range)

available env vars to configure:
RESIZE(int), ALPHACOLOR(hex), FLOOTFORKS(int), H(int), W(int)
SIZE(int), TEXT(string), TEXTSIZE(int), BGCOLOR(hex), COLOR(hex)
X_MAX(int), Y_MAX(int)
IPFLOOT(string), FLOOTPORT(string), USECACHE(bool)

Running on my Ryzen 4700G with wellenbrecher 1280x720 and three workers, i get around 1,5Gbit/s localhost traffic.

pixelfloot screenshot

try it out

you can use my pixelflut server and watch the board on the homepage, every 5s refreshed or connect by VNC to