#!/bin/bash # pixelfloot - a pixelflut client written in bash # work on this script started at 37c3 # pixelflut.la10cy.net - # my small pixelflut test server, feel free to have fun with it! :) # You can watch the board by VNC at port 5900, max connections are 2 test -z "$IPFLOOT" && IPFLOOT="" test -z "$FLOOTPORT" && FLOOTPORT="1234" ######################################################################## IMGFILE="$2" # remove file extension FNAME="${2%.*}" # remove everything before the slash, so we get the filename without # path and extension FNAME="${FNAME##*/}" PIXLIST="/tmp/$FNAME.pixlist" ANIFILE="/tmp/$FNAME" SHUFMODE="$3" FLOOTSRUNNING=0 test -z "$FLOOTFORKS" && FLOOTFORKS="1" test -z $X_MAX && X_MAX=800 test -z $Y_MAX && Y_MAX=600 test -z $X && X=0 test -z $Y && Y=0 ## bounce XDIR=0 YDIR=0 test -z "$BOUNCESTEP" && BOUNCESTEP=2 ## end bounce OFFSET_SHM="/dev/shm/pxlflt-offset-${FNAME}" ## ANIMATION # convert -coalesce animation.gif target.png -> produces target1.png, target2.png, .. # /dev/shm/foo to store frame counter # # GifFileFormat - gif, jpg, png || detect which fileformat IMGFILE is #test -z "$ANIMATION" && ANIMATION="false" # # loadLOL loads every single frame into an array field WHEN ANIMATION is true # loadLOL sets No of frames in LOLFIELDS # # flootworker looks in while loop which value in /dev/shm/frametick is. # /dev/shm/frametick contains which frame from LOL to draw. # function frametick() gets started in background when ANIMATION is true # and gets started before the flootworker get started # frametick writes the no of frame to draw into /dev/shm/frametick # to not draw too fast, there is a sleep in frametick which waits for # FRAMETICKTIME seconds. Values are float, down to lowest value 0.001 # Only one of ANIMATION or LARGE can be true, not both. FRAMETOPICK_SHM="/dev/shm/pxlflt-frametopick-${FNAME}" ## END ANIMATION declare -a LOL declare -a LOLPID ## TODOS # # DONE - Put OFFSET into /dev/shm/ so each worker do not have to count OFFSET # for itself and we prevent worker from drifting apart when drawing. # - get dimensions of pic with "identify" (imagemagick part) # - get dimensions of the pixelflut board # colors for colored output 8) RED="\e[31m" GREEN="\e[32m" YELLOW="\e[33m" ENDCOLOR="\e[0m" function message() { case $1 in warn) MESSAGE_TYPE="${YELLOW}WARN${ENDCOLOR}" ;; error) MESSAGE_TYPE="${RED}ERROR${ENDCOLOR}" ;; info|*) MESSAGE_TYPE="${GREEN}INFO${ENDCOLOR}" ;; esac if [ "$1" == "info" ] || [ "$1" == "warn" ] || [ "$1" == "error" ] then MESSAGE=$2 else MESSAGE=$1 fi echo -e "[${MESSAGE_TYPE}] $MESSAGE" } error () { message error "${RED}ERROR!!${ENDCOLOR}" exit 1 } gen_field() { test -z $W && W=640 test -z $H && H=480 test -z $COLOR && COLOR="666999" message "drawing ${YELLOW}$W x $H - $COLOR${ENDCOLOR}" >&2 for x in $(seq 0 $W) do for y in $(seq 0 $H) do echo "PX $x $y $COLOR" done done } convertimg() { if [ -z "$1" ] then CONVERTFILE="$IMGFILE" else CONVERTFILE="$1" fi convert $CONVERTFILE $BORDER $RESIZE txt: | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1 $3}' | sed -e 's/\,/ /' -e 's/\:/ /' -e 's/\#//' -e 's/^/PX /' } xymode() { case $SHUFMODE in chaos) OFFSET="OFFSET $(shuf -i 0-$X_MAX -n 1) $(shuf -i 0-$Y_MAX -n 1)" ;; shake) OFFSET="OFFSET $(shuf -i $X-$(($X+10)) -n 1) $(shuf -i $Y-$(($Y+10)) -n 1)" ;; cursor) OFFSET="OFFSET $(xdotool getmouselocation | tr ':' ' '|awk '{print $2 " " $4}')" ;; bounce) # every call is a run in a loop # in every run we count x or y alternativ one up or down # we decide with with var 'xory', 0 is x , 1 is y # up or down ist set with 'xdir' and 'ydir' # 0 means up, 1 means down # # handled outsite, in the flootworker() if [ $XDIR == 0 ] then X=$(($X+$BOUNCESTEP)) test $X -ge $X_MAX && XDIR=1 else X=$(($X-$BOUNCESTEP)) test $X -eq 0 && XDIR=0 fi if [ $YDIR == 0 ] then Y=$(($Y+$BOUNCESTEP)) test $Y -ge $Y_MAX && YDIR=1 else Y=$(($Y-$BOUNCESTEP)) test $Y -eq 0 && YDIR=0 fi OFFSET="OFFSET $X $Y" ;; static|*) test -z $X && X=0 test -z $Y && Y=0 OFFSET="OFFSET $X $Y" ;; esac } frametick() { test -z "$FRAMETICKTIME" && FRAMETICKTIME=0.1 #LOLFIELDS=12 i=0 while true do if [ "$i" -lt $LOLFIELDS ] then echo "$i" > $FRAMETOPICK_SHM i=$(($i+1)) else i=0 fi sleep $FRAMETICKTIME done } pipectrl() { if [ $THROTTLE ] then pv $(test -z $PIPEVIEW && echo "-q") -c -N "[worker ${iFLOOTWORKER}]" -L "$THROTTLE" || return 1 else if [ $PIPEVIEW ] then pv -c -N "[worker ${iFLOOTWORKER}]" || return 1 else cat - || return 1 fi fi } flootworker() { if [ $ANIMATION ] && [ $iFLOOTWORKER -gt 1 ] then message "[worker ${YELLOW}$iFLOOTWORKER${ENDCOLOR}] shuffle pixels again to maximize coverage" >&2 i=0 while [ $i -lt $LOLFIELDS ] do LOL[$i]="$(echo "${LOL[$i]}" | shuf)" i=$(($i+1)) done message "[worker ${YELLOW}$iFLOOTWORKER${ENDCOLOR}] shuffle ${GREEN}done${ENDCOLOR}" >&2 fi while true do # set offset if [ $SYNCFLOOTWORKER ] then if [ $iFLOOTWORKER == 1 ] then xymode echo "$OFFSET" | tee $OFFSET_SHM else test -f $OFFSET_SHM && OFFSET="$(<${OFFSET_SHM})" # little hack, otherwise on fast machines with small images we # get an empty string back. while [ "$(echo $OFFSET | wc -c )" -lt 10 ] do test $VERBOSE && message warn "[worker ${YELLOW}$iFLOOTWORKER${ENDCOLOR}] [${RED}VERBOSE${ENDCOLOR}] TOO FAST, cannot fetch OFFSET! I got '${YELLOW}${OFFSET}${ENDCOLOR}' from ${YELLOW}${OFFSET_SHM}${ENDCOLOR}" >&2 OFFSET="$(<${OFFSET_SHM})" done echo "$OFFSET" fi else xymode echo "$OFFSET" fi if [ $LARGE ] then for i in $(seq 0 $1 | shuf) do echo "${LOL[$i]}" done elif [ $ANIMATION ] then echo "${LOL[$(< ${FRAMETOPICK_SHM})]}" else echo "${LOL[$1]}" fi done | pipectrl > /dev/tcp/$IPFLOOT/$FLOOTPORT || message warn "[worker ${YELLOW}${iFLOOTWORKER}${ENDCOLOR}] transmission ${RED}failed${ENDCOLOR} - maybe you need to decrease ${YELLOW}FLOOTFORKS${ENDCOLOR} or expand/tune your uplink" #~ echo "${LOL[$(< ${FRAMETOPICK_SHM})]}" > /dev/shm/lol123_${i} #~ echo "${OFFSET}" > /dev/shm/lol123.offset_${i} #~ read } checkfile() { if [ ! -f $1 ] || [ -z $1 ] || [ -d $1 ] then message error "file ${YELLOW}$1${ENDCOLOR} is not a valid file or does not exist." exit 1 fi } loadLOL() { # when LARGE true, then we slize the large pixlist into smaller pieces # max 64k each one if [ $LARGE ] then if [ -z "$ALPHACOLOR" ] then LOL_org="$(echo "$LOL_org" | shuf)" else message "remove aplha color ${YELLOW}${ALPHACOLOR^^}${ENDCOLOR}" LOL_org="$(echo "$LOL_org" | grep -v ${ALPHACOLOR^^} | shuf)" fi test -z "$LOLFIELDSIZE" && LOLFIELDSIZE=64000 # line counter L=1 LINES="$(echo "$LOL_org" | wc -l )" LOLFIELDS="$(( ( $LINES / $LOLFIELDSIZE ) ))" message "LARGE mode: slicing ${YELLOW}${IMGFILE}${ENDCOLOR} - ${YELLOW}${LINES}${ENDCOLOR} into ${YELLOW}$((${LOLFIELDS}+1))${ENDCOLOR} fields" i=0 while [ $i -le $LOLFIELDS ] do LN=$(($L+$LOLFIELDSIZE+1)) message "field ${YELLOW}${i}/${LOLFIELDS}${ENDCOLOR}, lines ${YELLOW}${L}${ENDCOLOR} - ${YELLOW}${LN}${ENDCOLOR}" LOL[$i]="$(echo "$LOL_org" | sed -n "${L},$(($LN-1))p;${LN}q" )" L=$LN i=$(($i+1)) done elif [ $ANIMATION ] then i=0 while [ $i -lt $LOLFIELDS ] do if [ -z "$ALPHACOLOR" ] then message "load and shuffle pixels for frame ${YELLOW}$((${i}+1))/${LOLFIELDS}${ENDCOLOR}" LOL[$i]="$(convertimg ${ANIFILE}-${i}.png | shuf)" else message "load and shuffle pixels for frame ${YELLOW}$((${i}+1))/${LOLFIELDS}${ENDCOLOR}, remove aplha color ${YELLOW}${ALPHACOLOR^^}${ENDCOLOR}" LOL[$i]="$(convertimg ${ANIFILE}-${i}.png | grep -v ${ALPHACOLOR^^} | shuf)" fi #echo "${LOL[$i]}" | head i=$(($i+1)) done # ani #~ echo ani ani #~ exit 1 else for i in $(seq 1 $FLOOTFORKS) do if [ -z "$ALPHACOLOR" ] then message "shuffle pixels for [worker ${YELLOW}${i}${ENDCOLOR}]" LOL[$i]="$(echo "$LOL_org" | shuf)" else message "remove aplha color ${YELLOW}${ALPHACOLOR^^}${ENDCOLOR} and shuffle pixels for [worker ${YELLOW}${i}${ENDCOLOR}]" LOL[$i]="$(echo "$LOL_org" | grep -v ${ALPHACOLOR^^} | shuf)" fi done fi } floot() { if [ -n "$BORDERCOLOR" ] then BORDER="-bordercolor #${BORDERCOLOR} -border 2x2" else BORDER="" fi if [ -n "$RESIZE" ] then message "resizing to ${YELLOW}${RESIZE}px${ENDCOLOR}" RESIZE="-resize $RESIZE" fi case $FNAME in fill) message "generating color field with ${YELLOW}${FLOOTFORKS}${ENDCOLOR} worker" LOL_org="$(gen_field)" loadLOL ;; ""|text) test -z "$TEXT" && TEXT="$0" test -z "$FONTSIZE" && FONTSIZE=42 test -z "$COLOR" && COLOR="000000" test -z "$BGCOLOR" && BGCOLOR="FFFFFF" if [ -n "$SIZE" ] then SIZE="-size $SIZE" fi #convert -fill lightgreen -background white -pointsize 40 caption:"KARTTUR" -quality 72 DstImage.png message "generating text, size $FONTSIZE for ${YELLOW}$FLOOTFORKS${ENDCOLOR} worker" message "TEXT: ${YELLOW}${TEXT}${ENDCOLOR}" LOL_org="$(convert ${SIZE} ${BORDER} +antialias -depth 8 -fill \#${COLOR} -background \#${BGCOLOR} -pointsize ${FONTSIZE} caption:"${TEXT}" -quality 72 txt: | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1 $3}' | sed -e 's/\,/ /' -e 's/\:/ /' -e 's/\#//' -e 's/^/PX /')" loadLOL ;; *) if [ $ANIMATION ] then checkfile $IMGFILE message "ANIMATION mode, checking if ${YELLOW}${IMGFILE}${ENDCOLOR} is an GIF" if [ "$(file $IMGFILE |awk '{print $2}')" == "GIF" ] then LOLFIELDS="$(identify $IMGFILE | wc -l )" message "splitting ${YELLOW}${IMGFILE}${ENDCOLOR} up into ${YELLOW}${LOLFIELDS}${ENDCOLOR} frame images" convert -coalesce $IMGFILE ${ANIFILE}.png || error else message error "Other filetypes then ${YELLOW}GIF${ENDCOLOR} are not supported at the moment for ${YELLOW}ANIMATION${ENDCOLOR}" exit 1 fi else if [ $USECACHE ] then checkfile $PIXLIST message "using cache from ${YELLOW}$PIXLIST${ENDCOLOR}" LOL_org="$(< $PIXLIST)" else checkfile $IMGFILE message "convertimg image file ${YELLOW}${IMGFILE}${ENDCOLOR}" LOL_org="$(convertimg)" #convertimg > $PIXLIST fi fi message "prepare worker .." #set -x loadLOL #set +x message "${GREEN}Done!${ENDCOLOR}" ;; esac if [ $ANIMATION ] then frametick & fi message "starting ${YELLOW}${FLOOTFORKS}${ENDCOLOR} worker" if [ -n "$SYNCFLOOTWORKER" ] && [ $FLOOTFORKS -gt 1 ] then message "SYNCFLOOTWORKER is enabled, all worker use OFFSET from [worker ${YELLOW}1${ENDCOLOR}]" fi while true do for iFLOOTWORKER in $(seq $FLOOTFORKS) do if [ -z ${LOLPID[$iFLOOTWORKER]} ] || ! ps -p ${LOLPID[$iFLOOTWORKER]} > /dev/null then message "[worker ${YELLOW}$iFLOOTWORKER${ENDCOLOR}] not running, starting it" if [ $LARGE ] || [ $ANIMATION ] then flootworker $LOLFIELDS & LOLPID[$iFLOOTWORKER]=$! else flootworker $iFLOOTWORKER & LOLPID[$iFLOOTWORKER]=$! fi message "[worker ${YELLOW}$iFLOOTWORKER${ENDCOLOR}] PID ${YELLOW}${LOLPID[$iFLOOTWORKER]}${ENDCOLOR} ${GREEN}started${ENDCOLOR}" fi done done } case $1 in convertimg) checkfile $IMGFILE message "generating pixlist cachefile from ${YELLOW}${IMGFILE}${ENDCOLOR}" convertimg > $PIXLIST message "file ${YELLOW}${PIXLIST}${ENDCOLOR} generated, you can use it with ${GREEN}USECACHE=true $0 floot ${IMGFILE}${YELLOW}" ;; floot) message "flooting ${YELLOW}${IPFLOOT}:${FLOOTPORT}${ENDCOLOR}" ##~ WIP - get the size of the board from server #~ message "request board size from ${YELLOW}${IPFLOOT}:${FLOOTPORT}${ENDCOLOR}" #~ exec 5<>/dev/tcp/$IPFLOOT/$FLOOTPORT #~ echo "SIZE" >&5 #~ #sleep 1 #~ BOARDSIZE="$(cat <&5)" & #~ cat <&5 & #~ sleep 1 #~ exec 5<&- #~ message "$BOARSIZE" ##~ END WIP case $SHUFMODE in cursor) if ! command -v xdotool > /dev/null then message error "command ${YELLOW}xdotool${ENDCOLOR} not found" exit 1 fi ;; *) ;; esac for imgmgckCMD in convert identify do if ! command -v $imgmgckCMD > /dev/null then message error "imagemagick command ${YELLOW}${imgmgckCMD}${ENDCOLOR} not found" exit 1 fi done if [ $PIPEVIEW ] || [ $THROTTLE ] then if ! command -v pv > /dev/null then message error "command ${YELLOW}pv${ENDCOLOR} not found" exit 1 fi fi if [ $LARGE ] && [ $ANIMATION ] then message error "${YELLOW}LARGE${ENDCOLOR} and ${YELLOW}ANIMATION${ENDCOLOR} cannot be used at the same time. Please use only one of them." exit 1 fi message "all requirements satisfied ${GREEN}:)${ENDCOLOR}" floot ;; *) echo "$0 [floot|convertimg] [FILENAME|fill|text] ([MODE])" echo "" echo "floot: flooting the target specified with IPFLOOT" echo "convertimg: converts an image to a command list file in /tmp" echo " to use it, start 'USECACHE=true $0 floot [FILENAME]', where FILENAME" echo " is the original image file." echo "" echo "FILENAME: path to any picture imagemagick can handle (env X, Y, RESIZE, " echo " BORDERCOLOR, ALPHACOLOR)" echo "fill: create a filled area with (env COLOR, W (width), H (height), X, Y)" echo "text: create a textbox (env TEXT, FONTSIZE, SIZE, COLOR, BGCOLOR, BORDERCOLOR" echo " ALPHACOLOR)" echo "" echo "MODE: static (env X and Y for position)" echo " chaos (env X_MAX and Y_MAX for position range)" echo " shake (env X and Y for position)" echo " cursor" echo " bounce (env Y_MAX and X_MAX for max bounce range, BOUNCESTEP for step size)" echo "" echo "available env vars to configure:" echo "IPFLOOT(string), FLOOTPORT(int), USECACHE(bool), FLOOTFORKS(int)" echo "SIZE(int), TEXT(string), FONTSIZE(int), BGCOLOR(hex), COLOR(hex)" echo "BORDERCOLOR(hex), X(int), Y(int), X_MAX(int), Y_MAX(int), H(int), W(int)" echo "RESIZE(int), ALPHACOLOR(hex), BOUNCESTEP(int), LARGE(bool), LOLFIELDSIZE(int)" echo "ANIMATION(bool), FRAMETICKTIME(float), SYNCFLOOTWORKER(bool), THROTTLE(string)" echo "PIPEVIEW(bool), VERBOSE(bool)" exit 1 ;; esac