#!/bin/bash ### installer for nanodesk ### By: DeltaLima ### 2023 ### ### this is just a hobby, nothing serious. i know the debian installer and other ### exist, but i wanted to try some handcrafted installation. CHROOTCMD="chroot /mnt/" ##message () { ## echo "== " $1 ##} # colors for colored output 8) RED="\e[31m" GREEN="\e[32m" YELLOW="\e[33m" ENDCOLOR="\e[0m" function message() { case $1 in warn) MESSAGE_TYPE="${YELLOW}WARN${ENDCOLOR}" ;; error) MESSAGE_TYPE="${RED}ERROR${ENDCOLOR}" ;; info|*) MESSAGE_TYPE="${GREEN}INFO${ENDCOLOR}" ;; esac if [ "$1" == "info" ] || [ "$1" == "error" ] then MESSAGE=$2 else MESSAGE=$1 fi echo -e "[${MESSAGE_TYPE}] $MESSAGE" } error () { message error "ERROR!" exit 1 } finish () { message "removing firststart dialoge from jwm config" $CHROOTCMD /usr/bin/sed -i '/firstlogin\/welcome/d' /etc/jwm/system.jwmrc || error message "removing installer files from target" $CHROOTCMD /usr/bin/rm -Rf /root/install_nanodesk.sh /root/kernel_deb || error message "removing live-packages from target" $CHROOTCMD /usr/bin/apt -y purge 'live-boot*' 'live-tools*' message "autoremove unneeded dependencies" $CHROOTCMD /usr/bin/apt -y autoremove message "we are now ready to boot from $target" exit 0 } if [ "$1" == "--help" ] || [ -z "$1" ] then echo "Usage: $0 [OPTION] TARGETDEVICE Example: $0 /dev/sda1 TARGETDEVICE: blockdevice already formatted with filesystem like ext4 Options: --help: Show this helptext $0 trys to install grub into the mbr of the given targetdevice. We simply cut the last character away from the targetdevice, so /dev/sda1 gets /dev/sda, where grub will be installed." exit 1 fi target="$1" if [ ! -b "$target" ] then message "$target does not exist or is not a blockdevice." error fi message " ----==== nanodesk Installer ====----" message "Make sure you have a linux compatible filesystem at $target" message "!! The installer immediately begins to write things to disk !!" message "!! The installer only works reliable with legacy BIOS boot !!" message message "I will mount $target to /mnt/. I try to install grub to ${target::-1}" message message "Are you sure to install nanodesk to $target?" message "To continue type 'YES' and enter, to cancel type anything else or CTRL+C" read -p "> " DOINSTALL test "$DOINSTALL" == "YES" || error message "... GOOD LUCK!" message "mounting $target to /mnt/" mount $target /mnt || error message "copy systemfiles" rsync -aHx / /mnt/ || error message "bind mount dev proc sys" for m in dev proc sys do mount -o bind /$m /mnt/$m || error done message "creating /boot directory" mkdir -p /mnt/boot/ || error message "create tmp script for reinstalling grub and kernel" cat < /mnt/tmp/reinstall_kernel.sh DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive export DEBIAN_FRONTEND #/usr/bin/apt --yes purge 'linux-image-*' 'grub-*' /usr/bin/apt --yes --reinstall install \\ linux-image-amd64 \\ linux-image-5.10.0-22-amd64 \\ grub-pc grub-pc-bin \\ grub-common \\ grub2-common \\ os-prober EOF message "install kernel and grub" $CHROOTCMD /bin/bash /tmp/reinstall_kernel.sh || error message "grub-install $target" $CHROOTCMD grub-install ${target::-1} || error message "create initramfs" $CHROOTCMD /usr/sbin/update-initramfs.orig.initramfs-tools -k all -c || error message "update-grub" $CHROOTCMD /usr/sbin/update-grub || error message "create fstab" echo "UUID=$(blkid -o value -s UUID $target) / $(blkid -o value -s TYPE $target) defaults 0 1" >> /mnt/etc/fstab message "activating swap if present in fstab" SWAP="$(blkid -o list | grep swap | awk '{print $5}')" test -n "$SWAP" && echo "UUID=$SWAP none swap defaults 0 0" >> /mnt/etc/fstab message "Cleanup and create own [U]ser or [K]eep everything as it is?" read -p "> " USERSTEP STEPFINISH=0 while [ $STEPFINISH != 1 ] do case $USERSTEP in u|U) message "please change root pw" $CHROOTCMD /usr/bin/passwd root || error message "deleting user 'debian'" $CHROOTCMD /usr/bin/id -u debian && $CHROOTCMD /usr/sbin/userdel -f debian || error message "removing user 'debian' from sudoers" $CHROOTCMD /usr/bin/sed -i '/^debian/d' /etc/sudoers || error message "please enter a name for a new user" read -p "> " NEWUSER $CHROOTCMD /usr/sbin/adduser $NEWUSER || error message "adding $NEWUSER to sudo group" $CHROOTCMD /usr/sbin/usermod -G sudo $NEWUSER || error $CHROOTCMD /usr/bin/ln -s -f /usr/share/nanodesk/pixmaps/nanodesk-installed.xpm /usr/share/nanodesk/pixmaps/nanodesk.xpm || error $CHROOTCMD /usr/bin/ln -s -f /usr/share/nanodesk/pixmaps/nanodesk-bw-installed.xpm /usr/share/nanodesk/pixmaps/nanodesk-bw.xpm || error STEPFINISH=1 ;; k|K) finish ;; esac done finish