# nanodesk nanodesk is a less resources consuming debian linux distro, which I made for fun and learning. It's using jwm as window manager. My goal is to have a (live) system which is very lightweight and usable too. This is for a VM where you need a basic graphical environment or for an old computer with less resources. ## Screenshots The most important thing about a completely useless linux distro are the screenshots. Here you go! ![nanodesk_1](screenshots/nanodesk_1.png) ![nanodesk_2](screenshots/nanodesk_2.png) ![nanodesk_3](screenshots/nanodesk_3.png) ![nanodesk_4](screenshots/nanodesk_4.png) ![nanodesk_5](screenshots/nanodesk_5.png) ## Resources - Linux Logo Buttom: https://freesvg.org/linux-key-vector-button - xdgmenumaker deb package: https://bgstack15.wordpress.com/2020/03/03/package-for-devuan-xdgmenumaker/ - How To debootstrap a small desktop system: https://git.la10cy.net/DeltaLima/devnull/src/branch/main/debootstrap_minimal_dekstop_from_scratch.md - How To create a linux live cd: https://www.willhaley.com/blog/custom-debian-live-environment/