Howto `debootstrap` a bare minimal Debian Desktop from scratch ============================================================== - partitioning and filesystem - create a root partition and swap partition - `mkfs.ext4` and `mkswap` - run debootstrap - `debootstrap bullseye /mnt/` - bind mound `dev` `proc` and `sys` - `for m in dev proc sys ; do mount /$m /mnt/$m ; done` - chroot into the new environment and run bash - `chroot /mnt/ /bin/bash` - give the machine a good hostname - `echo mycrazyhostname > /etc/hostname` - install basic stuff, like linux kernel, grub and networking-scripts - `apt update ; apt install linux-image-generic grub-pc ifupdown man console-data locales` - do locales settings - `dpkg-reconfigure locales` - install X-Server and window manager - `apt install --no-install-recommends xserver-xorg jwm xdm xterm`