working break out board
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 185 additions and 191 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
(footprint "Package_TO_SOT_THT:TO-92_Inline" (layer "F.Cu")
(tstamp 1cc1ec22-40d9-41aa-b807-a3304408b30e)
(at 129.54 58.42 90)
(at 119.38 50.8 90)
(descr "TO-92 leads in-line, narrow, oval pads, drill 0.75mm (see NXP sot054_po.pdf)")
(tags "to-92 sc-43 sc-43a sot54 PA33 transistor")
(property "Sheetfile" "arduino-fridge-powercontrol.kicad_sch")
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@
(footprint "Resistor_THT:R_Axial_DIN0207_L6.3mm_D2.5mm_P10.16mm_Horizontal" (layer "F.Cu")
(tstamp 90ac43fb-1a02-449b-8b52-ded52528c70f)
(at 154.94 63.5 90)
(at 149.782824 72.777867 -170)
(descr "Resistor, Axial_DIN0207 series, Axial, Horizontal, pin pitch=10.16mm, 0.25W = 1/4W, length*diameter=6.3*2.5mm^2,")
(tags "Resistor Axial_DIN0207 series Axial Horizontal pin pitch 10.16mm 0.25W = 1/4W length 6.3mm diameter 2.5mm")
(property "Sheetfile" "arduino-fridge-powercontrol.kicad_sch")
@ -503,15 +503,15 @@
(property "ki_keywords" "R res resistor")
(path "/114b582b-72b2-4c1a-90a9-c1ab3bf747c4")
(attr through_hole)
(fp_text reference "R1" (at 7.62 -7.45 90) (layer "F.SilkS")
(fp_text reference "R1" (at 7.62 -7.45 10) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 7d27f77a-5629-460d-bec4-2df74de2a5a5)
(fp_text value "2,2k" (at 7.62 -2.71 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(fp_text value "2,2k" (at 7.62 -2.71 10) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 034643f6-7c6f-4400-a93b-bf6a41ad7aca)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 7.62 -5.08 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 7.62 -5.08 10) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 5419f408-1554-40d5-8a08-61104c69346b)
@ -547,9 +547,9 @@
(stroke (width 0.1) (type solid)) (layer "F.Fab") (tstamp dfaeca66-2313-428d-b1b0-813bf4f4c2b5))
(fp_line (start 10.16 0) (end 8.23 0)
(stroke (width 0.1) (type solid)) (layer "F.Fab") (tstamp 917dac7b-9385-4a9b-8742-edcf76c1edd8))
(pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 0 0 90) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 0.8) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 0 0 190) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 0.8) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 5 "Net-(A1-D2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 724d6266-8cdf-41d1-82ff-e9a9b3fc539f))
(pad "2" thru_hole oval (at 10.16 0 90) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 0.8) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "2" thru_hole oval (at 10.16 0 190) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 0.8) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 27 "Net-(A1-+5V)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp a3564d09-9a46-4496-b7a6-5df4e26338c5))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_THT.3dshapes/R_Axial_DIN0207_L6.3mm_D2.5mm_P10.16mm_Horizontal.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
@ -560,7 +560,7 @@
(footprint "Module:Arduino_Nano" (layer "F.Cu")
(tstamp 92a74b2c-bcd2-4572-ab76-2d3b304ad030)
(at 160.02 73.66 -90)
(at 152.4 81.28 180)
(descr "Arduino Nano,")
(tags "Arduino Nano")
(property "Sheetfile" "arduino-fridge-powercontrol.kicad_sch")
@ -569,19 +569,19 @@
(property "ki_keywords" "Arduino nano microcontroller module USB")
(path "/ee59911e-8e89-4847-8704-0bc0f50dd356")
(attr through_hole)
(fp_text reference "A1" (at 7.62 -5.08 90) (layer "F.SilkS")
(fp_text reference "A1" (at 7.62 -5.08) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 8bd90839-b6f4-4977-b4ea-78f8edd7aecd)
(fp_text value "Arduino_Nano_v3.x" (at 8.89 19.05) (layer "F.Fab")
(fp_text value "Arduino_Nano_v3.x" (at 8.89 19.05 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 093f7c83-b2cf-4262-b87e-b20b852730fd)
(fp_text user "USB" (at 7.62 35.56 -90 unlocked) (layer "F.SilkS")
(fp_text user "USB" (at 7.62 35.56 180 unlocked) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 7465b66b-dc9d-4178-9af8-88ec2dc5a540)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 6.35 19.05) (layer "F.Fab")
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 6.35 19.05 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp f44455e5-7893-4868-87c5-cdb11ae33b5a)
@ -647,65 +647,65 @@
(stroke (width 0.1) (type solid)) (layer "F.Fab") (tstamp 2174b77f-3eb5-467c-ba72-68e1e9e71bc2))
(fp_line (start 16.51 39.37) (end -1.27 39.37)
(stroke (width 0.1) (type solid)) (layer "F.Fab") (tstamp 626621a6-fac3-45f9-97b2-b43d8e1000b6))
(pad "1" thru_hole rect (at 0 0 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "1" thru_hole rect (at 0 0 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 1 "unconnected-(A1-D1{slash}TX-Pad1)") (pinfunction "D1/TX") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp a7c543b3-2265-4299-abd0-cffbfcb2d2b3))
(pad "2" thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "2" thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 2 "unconnected-(A1-D0{slash}RX-Pad2)") (pinfunction "D0/RX") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp be85bc42-8abc-46f8-a181-30baf846ed63))
(pad "3" thru_hole oval (at 0 5.08 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "3" thru_hole oval (at 0 5.08 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 3 "unconnected-(A1-~{RESET}-Pad3)") (pinfunction "~{RESET}") (pintype "input") (tstamp b340e619-bcdb-4624-a216-3e143eacdc7b))
(pad "4" thru_hole oval (at 0 7.62 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "4" thru_hole oval (at 0 7.62 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 4 "unconnected-(A1-GND-Pad4)") (pinfunction "GND") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp dbfb7b23-575d-4962-ade5-794fd250e01f))
(pad "5" thru_hole oval (at 0 10.16 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "5" thru_hole oval (at 0 10.16 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 5 "Net-(A1-D2)") (pinfunction "D2") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp eac0d26e-357b-47a4-b460-45e0a1bf745a))
(pad "6" thru_hole oval (at 0 12.7 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "6" thru_hole oval (at 0 12.7 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 6 "Net-(A1-D3)") (pinfunction "D3") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 12305cfb-5949-4845-9f0c-2ccbb8695707))
(pad "7" thru_hole oval (at 0 15.24 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "7" thru_hole oval (at 0 15.24 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 7 "Net-(A1-D4)") (pinfunction "D4") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp ed49e7af-16f4-4c40-9892-6a70c3194aa1))
(pad "8" thru_hole oval (at 0 17.78 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "8" thru_hole oval (at 0 17.78 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 8 "unconnected-(A1-D5-Pad8)") (pinfunction "D5") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 1dcb07db-a3a2-46dc-92ed-577c4f470999))
(pad "9" thru_hole oval (at 0 20.32 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "9" thru_hole oval (at 0 20.32 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 9 "unconnected-(A1-D6-Pad9)") (pinfunction "D6") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp e6cba690-cfd7-4795-959f-f785171a3cca))
(pad "10" thru_hole oval (at 0 22.86 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "10" thru_hole oval (at 0 22.86 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 10 "unconnected-(A1-D7-Pad10)") (pinfunction "D7") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp b5a0125a-30cf-4781-9c8c-1d5a1e0417b4))
(pad "11" thru_hole oval (at 0 25.4 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "11" thru_hole oval (at 0 25.4 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 11 "unconnected-(A1-D8-Pad11)") (pinfunction "D8") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp a05b83f8-c2e6-455a-91fb-d9358fed06ac))
(pad "12" thru_hole oval (at 0 27.94 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "12" thru_hole oval (at 0 27.94 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 12 "unconnected-(A1-D9-Pad12)") (pinfunction "D9") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 896c6ba3-c7e1-40f9-b090-20784ad0afd3))
(pad "13" thru_hole oval (at 0 30.48 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "13" thru_hole oval (at 0 30.48 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 13 "unconnected-(A1-D10-Pad13)") (pinfunction "D10") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 98a8cae1-5b2b-4723-9ec7-08273c3313d5))
(pad "14" thru_hole oval (at 0 33.02 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "14" thru_hole oval (at 0 33.02 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 14 "unconnected-(A1-D11-Pad14)") (pinfunction "D11") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp fa95356f-2435-4a12-82c2-602b6c44198e))
(pad "15" thru_hole oval (at 0 35.56 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "15" thru_hole oval (at 0 35.56 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 15 "unconnected-(A1-D12-Pad15)") (pinfunction "D12") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 33cebf92-7abe-455a-9858-c8621b5bdb4c))
(pad "16" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 35.56 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "16" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 35.56 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 16 "unconnected-(A1-D13-Pad16)") (pinfunction "D13") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 6c99ff45-66b4-4267-a066-63715805bd93))
(pad "17" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 33.02 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "17" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 33.02 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 17 "unconnected-(A1-3V3-Pad17)") (pinfunction "3V3") (pintype "power_out") (tstamp 666b0d78-eef5-4733-8cf2-86c683bddb2e))
(pad "18" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 30.48 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "18" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 30.48 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 18 "unconnected-(A1-AREF-Pad18)") (pinfunction "AREF") (pintype "input") (tstamp 79418e8b-cb06-46b2-b3e3-1e73aa9eacb0))
(pad "19" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 27.94 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "19" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 27.94 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 19 "unconnected-(A1-A0-Pad19)") (pinfunction "A0") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 85471fae-2f91-4a58-a3f4-12e840e776c8))
(pad "20" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 25.4 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "20" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 25.4 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 20 "unconnected-(A1-A1-Pad20)") (pinfunction "A1") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 24a74e31-f62d-4c05-8879-7bce94fdcfe3))
(pad "21" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 22.86 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "21" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 22.86 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 21 "unconnected-(A1-A2-Pad21)") (pinfunction "A2") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp c67a21fd-3023-43e0-b08f-5224da1b424f))
(pad "22" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 20.32 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "22" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 20.32 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 22 "unconnected-(A1-A3-Pad22)") (pinfunction "A3") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 5f8cee75-6a17-4692-9d0a-ccfb050388f5))
(pad "23" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 17.78 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "23" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 17.78 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 23 "unconnected-(A1-A4-Pad23)") (pinfunction "A4") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 3eb1416c-9bde-4f44-9c69-e3317b43993c))
(pad "24" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 15.24 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "24" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 15.24 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 24 "unconnected-(A1-A5-Pad24)") (pinfunction "A5") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 2a57bc77-64be-462f-8263-b08c7009d2a0))
(pad "25" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 12.7 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "25" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 12.7 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 25 "unconnected-(A1-A6-Pad25)") (pinfunction "A6") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp cfb61004-95c3-4b8e-af38-047e4e920556))
(pad "26" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 10.16 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "26" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 10.16 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 26 "unconnected-(A1-A7-Pad26)") (pinfunction "A7") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 539b49a1-2258-4f3e-864f-7da2f2fb8a95))
(pad "27" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 7.62 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "27" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 7.62 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 27 "Net-(A1-+5V)") (pinfunction "+5V") (pintype "power_out") (tstamp 6668ecbb-7376-412e-b491-88d2ce0e123b))
(pad "28" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 5.08 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "28" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 5.08 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 28 "unconnected-(A1-~{RESET}-Pad28)") (pinfunction "~{RESET}") (pintype "input") (tstamp d2964bf6-3f85-498e-a18e-e54a54353343))
(pad "29" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 2.54 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "29" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 2.54 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 29 "GND") (pinfunction "GND") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp 4b7aa957-d724-4600-a9ea-f8aeac69320c))
(pad "30" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 0 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(pad "30" thru_hole oval (at 15.24 0 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 1) (layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(net 30 "Net-(A1-VIN)") (pinfunction "VIN") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp a0c4b4fc-6c61-4f68-bc12-c2b81f131b1d))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Module.3dshapes/Arduino_Nano_WithMountingHoles.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
@ -716,7 +716,7 @@
(footprint "Package_TO_SOT_THT:TO-92_Inline" (layer "F.Cu")
(tstamp cc0e7ab1-3410-4366-a995-c1f759bc7339)
(at 142.24 58.42 90)
(at 119.38 63.5 90)
(descr "TO-92 leads in-line, narrow, oval pads, drill 0.75mm (see NXP sot054_po.pdf)")
(tags "to-92 sc-43 sc-43a sot54 PA33 transistor")
(property "Sheetfile" "arduino-fridge-powercontrol.kicad_sch")
@ -938,7 +938,7 @@
(footprint "Resistor_THT:R_Axial_DIN0207_L6.3mm_D2.5mm_P10.16mm_Horizontal" (layer "F.Cu")
(tstamp fedb5899-7789-4f74-a9d3-7e0b54cb087a)
(at 198.12 96.52 90)
(at 147.32 93.98 90)
(descr "Resistor, Axial_DIN0207 series, Axial, Horizontal, pin pitch=10.16mm, 0.25W = 1/4W, length*diameter=6.3*2.5mm^2,")
(tags "Resistor Axial_DIN0207 series Axial Horizontal pin pitch 10.16mm 0.25W = 1/4W length 6.3mm diameter 2.5mm")
(property "Sheetfile" "arduino-fridge-powercontrol.kicad_sch")
@ -1002,23 +1002,9 @@
(segment (start 129.54 114.3) (end 132.08 111.76) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 29) (tstamp 5ee8dfc6-47a4-4606-8ec6-ced6ede91f6f))
(segment (start 134.62 111.76) (end 157.48 88.9) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 29) (tstamp 92028407-ec91-4ecc-b55f-f63b402dcc0c))
(segment (start 132.08 111.76) (end 134.62 111.76) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 29) (tstamp a03b1427-073d-464d-b43e-e605b0efd91e))
(segment (start 118.78 114.3) (end 129.54 114.3) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 29) (tstamp f2749dea-278a-433a-93a2-e051237bd69f))
(segment (start 142.24 114.3) (end 160.02 96.52) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 30) (tstamp 32df54c2-23c6-4c36-957b-be00676472d0))
(segment (start 134.62 114.3) (end 142.24 114.3) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 30) (tstamp cd750f1f-120a-4707-be0a-db9fe9fd113f))
(segment (start 160.02 96.52) (end 160.02 88.9) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 30) (tstamp ef0fac25-25cd-47b2-acdc-f545d3ec8360))
(segment (start 210.82 121.92) (end 231.14 101.6) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 31) (tstamp 08c4becd-cff7-4c4f-ab2c-5d438471ed84))
(segment (start 223.76 43.42) (end 231.14 43.42) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 31) (tstamp 0b0da983-dc91-4e89-a07b-6e0ac71c8e69))
(segment (start 118.78 110.42) (end 133.42 110.42) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 31) (tstamp 4d522767-8d04-4f61-95f0-57dcb2b53c7d))
(segment (start 115.64 110.42) (end 114.3 111.76) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 31) (tstamp 6ac863f2-0bb1-478b-8590-21495234c711))
(segment (start 133.42 110.42) (end 134.62 109.22) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 31) (tstamp 89417aff-e46a-4b44-b655-97407f5f9a03))
(segment (start 223.76 43.42) (end 223.52 43.18) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 31) (tstamp 8f1fd01a-da39-4b0b-988c-409022757de2))
(segment (start 231.14 101.6) (end 231.14 89.14) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 31) (tstamp b975f31a-8723-4937-87f2-e9c18fe698a6))
(segment (start 118.78 110.42) (end 115.64 110.42) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 31) (tstamp bf8a9871-cbc0-42f0-986a-f34024266a35))
(segment (start 114.3 111.76) (end 114.3 121.92) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 31) (tstamp ec65088d-3e9d-4c72-87c9-d9f94b04c707))
(segment (start 114.3 121.92) (end 210.82 121.92) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 31) (tstamp f46dad8c-2754-4b2e-88e8-80766bbea154))
(zone (net 0) (net_name "") (layer "F.Cu") (tstamp 80fcab38-111b-42b6-8368-4f47e10084e0) (hatch edge 0.5)
(connect_pads (clearance 0.5))
@ -1027,8 +1013,8 @@
(xy 111.76 38.1)
(xy 238.76 38.1)
(xy 238.76 127)
(xy 182.88 38.1)
(xy 182.88 127)
(xy 111.76 127)
@ -636,26 +636,23 @@
(junction (at 68.58 120.65) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 03db0358-0bde-49b2-84eb-e660d1f51447)
(junction (at 68.58 114.3) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 1f17cd54-f9b1-4834-b923-d32e0b562e68)
(junction (at 179.07 97.79) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 26762b4a-23c2-4fe5-b6f8-1ae5bf6c525d)
(junction (at 113.03 158.75) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 333b4bf6-1bf1-4acc-b5c8-37d076dd37c9)
(junction (at 68.58 158.75) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 37fc5c73-6d2f-488c-a862-d31f53062ee9)
(junction (at 153.67 92.71) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 158.75 137.16) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(junction (at 137.16 80.01) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 68.58 120.65) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 157.48 44.45) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 154.94 73.66) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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@ -666,20 +663,26 @@
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(junction (at 151.13 129.54) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(junction (at 68.58 135.89) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 129.54 72.39) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid b301208c-8a2e-45c3-bd1b-ed55a75f14d4)
(junction (at 157.48 24.13) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(uuid e1a70e70-3c9b-4c02-8fd1-183bc434e209)
(junction (at 68.58 175.26) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 106.68 101.6) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 158.75 151.13) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(junction (at 106.68 72.39) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 137.16 93.98) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(wire (pts (xy 68.58 101.6) (xy 78.74 101.6))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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@ -687,55 +690,59 @@
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(wire (pts (xy 166.37 64.77) (xy 166.37 87.63))
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(wire (pts (xy 171.45 46.99) (xy 162.56 46.99))
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(wire (pts (xy 162.56 46.99) (xy 162.56 68.58))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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(wire (pts (xy 153.67 59.69) (xy 153.67 92.71))
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(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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(wire (pts (xy 34.29 43.18) (xy 48.26 43.18))
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(wire (pts (xy 154.94 54.61) (xy 154.94 73.66))
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(wire (pts (xy 68.58 158.75) (xy 68.58 175.26))
(wire (pts (xy 106.68 72.39) (xy 91.44 72.39))
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(wire (pts (xy 157.48 62.23) (xy 157.48 44.45))
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@ -743,7 +750,7 @@
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(wire (pts (xy 106.68 72.39) (xy 106.68 85.09))
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@ -755,27 +762,23 @@
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(wire (pts (xy 34.29 30.48) (xy 34.29 43.18))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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@ -783,7 +786,7 @@
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@ -795,27 +798,27 @@
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@ -823,22 +826,22 @@
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@ -847,51 +850,47 @@
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(wire (pts (xy 166.37 87.63) (xy 162.56 87.63))
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@ -899,19 +898,27 @@
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@ -920,19 +927,19 @@
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@ -1180,24 +1187,24 @@
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (fields_autoplaced)
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@ -1207,19 +1214,19 @@
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@ -1233,19 +1240,19 @@
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (fields_autoplaced)
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@ -1260,19 +1267,19 @@
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (fields_autoplaced)
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Add table
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