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P A S ³ ³ ³ ³ Mailpolling-Routinen (Pseudo-Forward) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ} Function GetS_Con(Kanal : Byte; Zeile : Str80) : Str80; Var i : Byte; Begin with K[Kanal]^ do begin i := pos(RSK + Call + B1,Zeile + B1); if i > 0 then begin delete(Zeile,1,i-1); Zeile := RestStr(Zeile); While (pos(RSK,CutStr(Zeile)) = 0) and (length(Zeile) > 0) do Zeile := RestStr(Zeile); end; GetS_Con := Zeile; end; End; Procedure Link_Holen (* Var TNr : Byte; Var Port : Byte; Var CString : Str80 *); Var ConStr, Hstr : String[80]; QRG, Call : Str10; VC : Char; Flag, Extr : Boolean; Begin FiResult := ResetTxt(G^.LinkFile); if FiResult=0 then begin Flag := false; While not Eof(G^.LinkFile) and not Flag do begin Readln(G^.LinkFile,Hstr); if (Pos(TncI,Hstr)=1) and (Pos(DP, Hstr)=5) then begin Port:=str_int(Copy(Hstr,4,1)); QRG:=copy(Hstr,6,length(Hstr)); end; delete(hstr,1,1); KillEndBlanks(Hstr); Call:=copy(HStr,1,pos(B1,hstr)-1); Flag:= upcasestr(Cstring)=upcaseStr(Call); (* Flag := (TncI + int_str(TNr) + DP + Freq) = Hstr; *) end; end; CString:=''; FiResult := CloseTxt(G^.LinkFile); if flag then begin LinksVorbereiten(Port,QRG); CString:=GetConPfad(Call); LinksKillen; end; { KillStartBlanks(Cstring);} End; Function NextPollCmd : string; var HStr:string; begin HStr:=''; if Pos(';', MailPolling)>0 then begin Hstr:=copy (Mailpolling,1,Pos(';',MailPolling)-1); Delete(MailPolling,1,Pos(';',MailPolling)); end else begin Hstr:=MailPolling; MailPolling:=''; end; NextPollCmd:=HStr; {Lesebefehl VORHER mit *+* markiert!} end; procedure MailSchliessen(*Kanal:Byte*); var dum:boolean; begin with K[Kanal]^ do begin CloseRxFile(Kanal,0); RX_Save := false; BoxZaehl:=5; RX_Bin := 0; RemoteSave := false; end; end; procedure CancelMailPoll (*Kanal:Byte*); begin PollStr:=''; with K[kanal]^ do begin fwdgo:=false; fwd:=false; fwd_:=false; MailPolling:=''; MailPrompt:=''; MailRXCall:=''; MailSynonym:=''; MailSchliessen(Kanal); end; end; Procedure MailOeffnen(Kanal:Byte); var path, dummy : string; begin With K[Kanal]^ do begin Path := Konfig.MailVerz + MailRXCall + MsgExt; MsgToMe:=true; EigMail:=true; FRxName := Path; if OpenTextFile(Kanal) then begin RX_Count := 0; RX_TextZn := 0; RX_Laenge := 0; RX_Bin := 1; RX_Time := Uhrzeit; RX_Save := true; if node then Mail_sp:=true; RemoteSave := true; Dummy := M1 + InfoZeile(96) + B1+ EFillStr(10,B1,Call) + Datum + B2 + copy(Uhrzeit,1,5) + B1 + ZeitArt + M1; Dummy := Dummy + ConstStr('-',length(Dummy)) + M1; Write_RxFile(Kanal,Dummy); end; end; end; procedure StartMailPolling (*(Kanal, RXCall)*); var path, dummy : String; Link,hstr : Str80; i,Port : byte; found, flag:boolean; CStr, Pstr: str10; User2 : User_Typ2; USeidx: User_idx; UsFile: file of user_typ2; USIdx : file of User_IDX; obf:integer; begin found:=false; MailPolling:=''; Link:=rxcall; PStr:=RxCall; if MailSynonym<>'' then Link:=MailSynonym else if not MailAusUDB then begin {$I-} assign(UsIDX, Sys1Pfad+UserIDX); reset(USIDX); obf:=ioresult; if obf=0 then begin Repeat read(UsIDX, USeIDX); CStr := USeidx.Call; Strip(CStr); found := cstr=PStr; until (Found) or (EOF(UsIDX)); close(UsIDX); end; if found then begin assign(UsFile, Sys1Pfad+UserDatei); reset(UsFile); seek(UsFile, UseIDX.Pos); read(usfile, User2); close(usfile); obf:=ioresult; if user2.synonym<>'' then Link:=user2.Synonym; end; {$I+} end; MailSynonym:=''; MailAusUDB:=false; Link_Holen(Port,Link); flag:=false; i:=0; repeat inc(i); if K[i]^.TNCNummer=Port then flag:=not K[i]^.connected; until flag; Kanal:=i; if Flag then begin with K[Kanal]^ do begin ACZeile:=link; {if connected then ACZeile := GetS_Con(Kanal,ACZeile);} if length(ACZeile) > 0 then begin fwd:=true; fwd_:=true; Auto_CON := true; Hstr := GetConStr(ACZeile); if not connected then Connect(Kanal,Hstr) else S_PAC(Kanal,NU,true,Hstr + M1); end; end; end; {if flag} end; procedure LinksVorbereiten(*Port:byte;QRG:Str10*); begin GetMem(Lnk,SizeOf(Lnk^)); Lnk_Init(Port,QRG); end; Procedure LinksKillen; begin FreeMem(Lnk,SizeOf(Lnk^)); end; Procedure MailPollGo (*Kanal : byte*); var HStr:string; SStr:string; MPTyp:byte; Flag : Boolean; begin if MailPolling='' then begin if MailBoxCall<>'' then MailKillen (MailBoxCall, MailRXCall, 0); MailBoxCall:=''; MailRXCall:=''; NFwd:=false; end else NFwd:=true; if MailPWWait then Sysop_Einloggen(Kanal,''); if not MailPWWait then begin with K[kanal]^ do begin MailPrompt:=''; hstr:=UpcaseStr(NextPollCmd); KillEndBlanks(Hstr); MPTyp:=0; flag:=true; repeat inc(MpTyp); flag:=Hstr=MailPollC[MPTyp]; until (flag) or (MPTyp=MaxMailPollCmd); if (not flag) then MPtyp:=0; SStr:=''; case MPTyp of 1:MailPrompt:=UpcaseStr(MailPrompt_); 2: begin SStr:=#13; _aus(Attrib[19],Kanal,m1); end; 3:SStr:=MailRXCall; 4: begin Sysop_Einloggen(Kanal,''); MailPWWait:=true; end; 5: begin MailPrompt:=UpcaseStr(MailPWPrompt_); MailPWWait:=true; end; end; if MPTyp=0 then begin if pos('*+*',HStr)=1 then begin MailOeffnen(Kanal); delete(HStr,1,3); end; if pos('+*+',HStr)=1 then begin { MailSchliessen(Kanal);} delete(HStr,1,3); end; SStr:=Hstr; end; if SSTr<>'' then begin infoout(Kanal,0,0,SSTr); sstr:=sstr+m1; S_Pac(Kanal,NU,true,SStr); enD; end; end; end; {****************************************} Function OpenMailDatei (var MFile:MailDat) : word; begin {$I-} assign(MFile, sys1pfad+MailsDatei); reset(MFile); OpenMailDatei:=IoResult; {$I+} end; Function CloseMailDatei (var MFile:MailDat) : word; begin {$I-} Close(MFile); CloseMailDatei:=IoResult; {$I+} end; procedure GetMails; var mfile:Maildat; i:integer; begin i:=OpenMailDatei(mfile); if i=0 then MailAnz:=FileSize(MFile); i:=CloseMailDatei(Mfile); end; Procedure MailsSortieren; Var x,i,j : longInt; N : longint; Change : Boolean; MFile : MailDat; MTyp, MTyp1, MTyp2, MTyp3 : Mail_Typ; Begin {if inUDB then WriteRam(1,3,Attrib[5],1,EFillStr(80,B1,B1+'Sortiere Datenbank ...'));} GetMails; i:=OpenMailDatei(MFile); N := MailAnz; if N > 1 then begin x := 1; While x <= N do x := x * 3 + 1; x := x div 3; While x > 0 do begin i := x; While i <= N do begin j := i - x; Change := true; While (j > 0) and Change do begin Seek(MFile, j-1); read(MFile, MTyp1); Seek(MFile, j+x-1); read(MFile, MTyp2); if MTyp1.Boxcall > MTyp.BoxCall then begin MTyp3 := MTyp2; MTyp2 := MTyp1; MTyp1 := MTyp3; Seek(MFile, j-1); write(MFile, MTyp1); Seek(MFile, j+x-1); write(MFile, Mtyp2); j := j - x; end else Change := false; end; i := i + 1; end; x := x div 3; end; end; {$I-} i:=closeMailDatei(MFile); {$I+} End; Function MailsVorhanden (* : Boolean *); var Anz:longint; check:word; MFile : MailDat; flag:boolean; begin flag:=false; if OpenMailDatei(MFile)=0 then begin anz:=FileSize(Mfile); if Anz>0 then flag:=true; check:=CloseMailDatei(MFile); end; MailsVorhanden:=flag; end; Procedure MailVersucheRauf; var MFile : MailDat; MTyp : Mail_Typ; i : longint; begin i:=0; if OpenMailDatei(MFile)=0 then begin if FileSize(MFile)>0 then begin seek(MFile, DPos-1); read(MFile, MTyp); if MTyp.Versuche<255 then inc(MTyp.Versuche); seek(MFile, DPos-1); write(MFile, MTyp); end; i:=CloseMailDatei(MFile); end; end; Procedure MailKillen (*Box, RX:Str10; DPos : longint*); VAR Killed : Boolean; i:word; MFile : MailDat; MTyp : Mail_Typ; Max, Lesen, schreiben : Longint; begin lesen:=0; schreiben:=0; Killed:=false; if DPOS=0 then begin if OpenMailDatei(MFile)=0 then begin Max:=FileSize(Mfile); while (not EOF(MFile)) and (lesen0 then begin if OpenMailDatei(MFile)=0 then begin Max:=FileSize(Mfile); while (not EOF(MFile)) and (lesenMailAnz then MarkMailStr :='' else begin MDatensatzHolen(nr, MDat); if nr>-1 then With Mdat do begin MUS := EfillStr(12,B1,BoxCall); MUS:=MUS+Efillstr(12,B1,ZielCall); MUS:=MUS+Efillstr(14,B1,Datum); MUS:=MUS+EfillStr(11,B1,Uhrzeit); MUS:=MUS+EfillStr(7,B1,Int_Str(Versuche)); MUS:=MUS+EfillStr(2,B1,int_str(Port)); MarkMailStr:=MUS; end; end; End; Function BoxCall (DP : longint) : str9; var md:mail_typ; begin MDatenSatzHolen(DP,Md); BoxCall:=Md.BoxCall; MailRXCall:=MD.ZielCall; MailBoxCall:=MD.BoxCall; end; Procedure MailsZeigen (* Kanal : Byte *); Const Bofs = 1; Var X : longint; yM, Bpos, Zmax : Byte; fz:file; NeuDpos, SavDpos, Dpos : longint; w,w1, AnzM, Result : longint; Flag, Fertig : Boolean; KC : Sondertaste; VC, VA : Char; f : Text; Hstr, Sstr, Pfad, XPfad : String[80]; MHelp : Mail_typ; Procedure DirPage(beg : Longint); Var i : Byte; Begin for i := 1 to Zmax do WriteRam(1,i+Bofs,Attrib[2],1,EFillStr(80,B1,MarkMailStr(beg-1+i,1))); WriteRam(1,maxZ,Attrib[5],1,EFillStr(80,B1,B1+InfoZeile(49))); End; Procedure WartenSchirm; Var i : Byte; Begin WriteRam(1,1,Attrib[5],1,EFillStr(80,B1,InfoZeile(47))); for i := 1 to Zmax do WriteRam(1,i+1,Attrib[2],1,EFillStr(80,B1,' ')); WriteRam(1,3,Attrib[5],1,EFillStr(80,B1,B1+InfoZeile(230))); WriteRam(1,maxZ-1,Attrib[5],1,EFillStr(80,B1,InfoZeile(48)) ); WriteRam(1,maxZ,Attrib[5],1,EFillStr(80,B1,B1+InfoZeile(49))); End; Procedure GetCursorLine; Begin WriteRam(1,Bpos+Bofs,Attrib[4],1,EFillStr(80,B1,MarkMailStr(Dpos,1))); End; Procedure RestAuflisten; var i: byte; i2:longint; Begin i2:=DPos; for i:=BPos to zmax do begin WriteRam(1,i+Bofs,Attrib[2],1,EFillStr(80,B1,MarkMailStr(i2,1))); inc(I2); end; End; Procedure InitStart(Art : Byte; Bstr : Str12); Var w : longint; Flag : Boolean; Vpos : Byte; call1, call2: string[8]; Begin WartenSchirm; Vpos := Bpos; yM := 1; Bpos := 1; Dpos := 1; AnzM := 0; GetMails; if Art = 1 then begin DirPage(Dpos); end; End; Procedure CursorDn; Begin if Dpos < MailAnz then begin inc(Dpos); if Bpos < Zmax then inc(Bpos) else begin WriteAttr(1,yM+Bofs,80,Attrib[2],1); Scroll(Up,1,1+Bofs,Zmax+Bofs); WriteRam(1,Bpos+Bofs,Attrib[4],1,MarkMailStr(Dpos,1)); end; end else Alarm; End; Begin { INUdb:=true;} Moni_Off(0); DirScroll := true; NowFenster := false; Zmax := maxZ - 3; Fertig := false; X := 1; InitStart(1,''); WriteAttr(1,Bpos+Bofs,80,Attrib[4],1); Repeat InitCursor(X,Bpos+Bofs); hstr:=int_Str(DPos); if MailAnz=0 then hstr:='0'; WriteRam(1,maxZ-1,Attrib[5],1,EFillStr(80,B1,InfoZeile(48)+' '+hstr+'/'+int_str(MailAnz))); WriteRam(1,1,Attrib[5],1,EFillStr(80,B1,InfoZeile(47))); GetCursorLine; _ReadKey(KC,VC); case KC of _Esc : begin Fertig := true; end; _Dn : CursorDn; _Up : if Dpos > 1 then begin dec(Dpos); if Bpos > 1 then dec(Bpos) else begin WriteAttr(1,yM+Bofs,80,Attrib[2],1); Scroll(Dn,1,1+Bofs,Zmax+Bofs); WriteRam(1,Bpos+Bofs,Attrib[4],1,MarkMailStr(Dpos,1)); end; end else Alarm; _PgDn : if Dpos < MailAnz then begin if Dpos + Zmax - Bpos >= MailAnz then begin Dpos := MailAnz; Bpos := Zmax; if Bpos > MailAnz then Bpos := MailAnz; end else begin Dpos := Dpos + Zmax - 1; if Dpos + Zmax - 1 > MailAnz then Dpos := MailAnz - Zmax + Bpos; DirPage(Dpos - Bpos + 1); end; end else Alarm; _PgUp : if Dpos > 1 then begin if Dpos <= Bpos then begin Dpos := 1; Bpos := 1; end else begin Dpos := Dpos - Zmax + 1; if Dpos - Zmax + 1 < 1 then Dpos := Bpos; DirPage(Dpos - Bpos + 1); end; end else Alarm; _Home : if Dpos > 1 then begin Dpos := 1; Bpos := 1; DirPage(1); end else Alarm; _End : if Dpos < MailAnz then begin Dpos := MailAnz; Bpos := Zmax; if Bpos > MailAnz then Bpos := MailAnz; DirPage(Dpos - Bpos + 1); end else Alarm; _Ret : begin if (not fwd_) and (MailAnz>0) then begin MailVersucheRauf (DPos); StartMailPolling(Kanal,BoxCall(Dpos)); Fertig:=true; end else alarm; end; _altd, _del : begin if MailAnz>0 then begin SavDpos:=Dpos; if (SiAltD) then begin WriteRam(1,Bpos+Bofs,Attrib[5],1,EFillStr(80,B1,B2+InfoZeile(224))); _ReadKey(KC,VC); end; if (KC = _Ret) or (UpCase(VC) in YesMenge) or (not SiAltD) then begin userkilled:=dpos; MailKillen('','',DPOS); { InitStart(1,'');} GetMails; if MailAnz>savDpos then begin DPos:=SavDpos; if ((MailAnz-dpos)=ZMax) then begin BPos:=ZMax-(MailAnz-dPos); DirPage(Dpos-Bpos+1); end else RestAuflisten; end else begin DPOs:=MailAnz; BPos:=ZMax; if MailAnz