
98 lines
6.5 KiB
Executable File

/* */
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/* ***** ***** TheNetNode */
/* ***** ***** Portable */
/* ***** ***** Network */
/* ***** ***** Software */
/* */
/* File include/l2s.h (maintained by: DF6LN) */
/* */
/* This file is part of "TheNetNode" - Software Package */
/* */
/* Copyright (C) 1998 - 2008 NORD><LINK e.V. Braunschweig */
/* */
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the NORD><LINK ALAS (Allgemeine Lizenz fuer */
/* Amateurfunk Software) as published by Hans Georg Giese (DF2AU) */
/* on 13/Oct/1992; either version 1, or (at your option) any later */
/* version. */
/* */
/* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY only for further */
/* development and learning purposes. See the ALAS (Allgemeine Lizenz */
/* fuer Amateurfunk Software). */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the NORD><LINK ALAS (Allgemeine */
/* Lizenz fuer Amateurfunk Software) along with this program; if not, */
/* write to NORD><LINK e.V., Hinter dem Berge 5, D-38108 Braunschweig */
/* */
/* Dieses Programm ist PUBLIC DOMAIN, mit den Einschraenkungen durch */
/* die ALAS (Allgemeine Lizenz fuer Amateurfunk Software), entweder */
/* Version 1, veroeffentlicht von Hans Georg Giese (DF2AU), */
/* am 13.Oct.1992, oder (wenn gewuenscht) jede spaetere Version. */
/* */
/* Dieses Programm wird unter Haftungsausschluss vertrieben, aus- */
/* schliesslich fuer Weiterentwicklungs- und Lehrzwecke. Naeheres */
/* koennen Sie der ALAS (Allgemeine Lizenz fuer Amateurfunk Software) */
/* entnehmen. */
/* */
/* Sollte dieser Software keine ALAS (Allgemeine Lizenz fuer Amateur- */
/* funk Software) beigelegen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an */
/* NORD><LINK e.V., Hinter dem Berge 5, D-38108 Braunschweig */
/* */
/* Zugriff anderer Module auf die State-Tabellen */
* nicht aufgefuehrte Tabellen werden durch das Programm direkt
* ausgefuehrt
extern STENTRY stbl00[]; /* I WITH POLL (COMMAND) */
extern STENTRY stbl00dama[]; /* I WITH POLL (COMMAND, DAMA) */
extern STENTRY stbl01[]; /* I WITHOUT POLL (COMMAND) */
extern STENTRY stbl01dama[]; /* I WITHOUT POLL (COMMAND, DAMA) */
extern STENTRY stbl02[]; /* RR WITH POLL (COMMAND) */
extern STENTRY stbl03[]; /* RR WITHOUT POLL (COMMAND) */
#define stbl04 stbl02 /* REJ WITH POLL (COMMAND) */
#define stbl05 stbl03 /* REJ WITHOUT POLL (COMMAND) */
extern STENTRY stbl06[]; /* RNR WITH POLL (COMMAND) */
extern STENTRY stbl07[]; /* RNR WITHOUT POLL (COMMAND) */
extern STENTRY stbl08[]; /* SABM EITHER (COMMAND) */
extern STENTRY stbl08a[]; /* SABM EITHER (COMMAND, VIA) */
extern STENTRY stbl09[]; /* DISC EITHER (COMMAND) */
extern STENTRY stbl10[]; /* RR WITH FINAL (RESPONSE) */
extern STENTRY stbl10a[]; /* DAMA Poll */
#define stbl11 stbl03 /* RR WITHOUT FINAL (RESPONSE) */
#define stbl12 stbl10 /* REJ WITH FINAL (RESPONSE) */
#define stbl13 stbl03 /* REJ WITHOUT FINAL (RESPONSE) */
extern STENTRY stbl14[]; /* RNR WITH FINAL (RESPONSE) */
#define stbl15 stbl07 /* RNR WITHOUT FINAL (RESPONSE) */
extern STENTRY stbl16[]; /* UA EITHER (RESPONSE) */
extern STENTRY stbl17[]; /* DM EITHER (RESPONSE) */
extern STENTRY stbl18[]; /* FRMR EITHER (RESPONSE) */
extern STENTRY stbl19[]; /* LOCAL START COMMAND */
extern STENTRY stbl20[]; /* LOCAL STOP COMMAND */
extern STENTRY stbl20a[]; /* LOCAL STOP COMMAND, FORCED */
extern STENTRY stbl21[]; /* STATION BECOMES BUSY */
extern STENTRY stbl22[]; /* BUSY CONDITION CLEARS */
extern STENTRY stbl23[]; /* T1 EXPIRES (VERSION 2) */
extern STENTRY stbl24[]; /* T3 EXPIRES */
extern STENTRY stbl25[]; /* N2 IS EXCEEDED */
extern STENTRY stbl26[]; /* INVALID N(S) RECEIVED no Poll */
extern STENTRY stb26b[]; /* INVALID N(S) RECEIVED Poll */
extern STENTRY stbl27[]; /* INVALID N(R) RECEIVED */
#define stbl28 stbl27 /* UNRECOGNIZED FRAME RECEIVED */
/* End of include/l2s.h */