
173 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

/* */
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/* ***** ***** TheNetNode */
/* ***** ***** Portable */
/* ***** ***** Network */
/* ***** ***** Software */
/* */
/* File include/l2.h (maintained by: DF6LN) */
/* */
/* This file is part of "TheNetNode" - Software Package */
/* */
/* Copyright (C) 1998 - 2008 NORD><LINK e.V. Braunschweig */
/* */
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the NORD><LINK ALAS (Allgemeine Lizenz fuer */
/* Amateurfunk Software) as published by Hans Georg Giese (DF2AU) */
/* on 13/Oct/1992; either version 1, or (at your option) any later */
/* version. */
/* */
/* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY only for further */
/* development and learning purposes. See the ALAS (Allgemeine Lizenz */
/* fuer Amateurfunk Software). */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the NORD><LINK ALAS (Allgemeine */
/* Lizenz fuer Amateurfunk Software) along with this program; if not, */
/* write to NORD><LINK e.V., Hinter dem Berge 5, D-38108 Braunschweig */
/* */
/* Dieses Programm ist PUBLIC DOMAIN, mit den Einschraenkungen durch */
/* die ALAS (Allgemeine Lizenz fuer Amateurfunk Software), entweder */
/* Version 1, veroeffentlicht von Hans Georg Giese (DF2AU), */
/* am 13.Oct.1992, oder (wenn gewuenscht) jede spaetere Version. */
/* */
/* Dieses Programm wird unter Haftungsausschluss vertrieben, aus- */
/* schliesslich fuer Weiterentwicklungs- und Lehrzwecke. Naeheres */
/* koennen Sie der ALAS (Allgemeine Lizenz fuer Amateurfunk Software) */
/* entnehmen. */
/* */
/* Sollte dieser Software keine ALAS (Allgemeine Lizenz fuer Amateur- */
/* funk Software) beigelegen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an */
/* NORD><LINK e.V., Hinter dem Berge 5, D-38108 Braunschweig */
/* */
#define DEF_N2 20 /* Default: Retries */
/* (bei DAMA: DEF_N2 / 2) */
#define L2_ALPHA1 7 /* Faktor fuer steigenden L2RTT */
#define L2_ALPHA2 15 /* Faktor fuer fallenden L2RTT */
#define L2_BETA 4 /* Multiplikator fuer FRACK-Ber. */
#define L2CALEN 6 /* Laenge Call im Level 2 */
#define L2IDLEN (L2CALEN + 1) /* Laenge Call + SSID = ID */
#define L2INUM 2 /* Anzahl ID's im an/von-Feld */
#define L2VNUM 8 /* Anzahl ID's im via-Feld */
#define L2ILEN (L2INUM * L2IDLEN) /* Laenge an/von-Feld */
#define L2VLEN (L2VNUM * L2IDLEN) /* Laenge via-Feld */
#define L2AFLEN (L2ILEN + L2VLEN) /* Laenge Level 2 Adressfeld */
#define L2HLEN (L2AFLEN + 2) /* 10 * 7 = 70 Bytes Adresse */
/* + 1 Byte Control */
/* + 1 Byte PID */
/* ----- */
/* 72 */
#define L2MILEN 256 /* max. Laenge des Info-Feldes */
#define L2MFLEN (L2MILEN+L2HLEN) /* maximale Framelaenge L2 */
/* 72 Header */
/* + 256 Byte Info */
/* ----- */
/* 328 Bytes */
/* "layer 2 state", (state, s.u.) : */
#define L2SDSCED 0 /* disconnected */
#define L2SLKSUP 1 /* link setup */
#define L2SFRREJ 2 /* frame reject */
#define L2SDSCRQ 3 /* disconnect request */
#define L2SIXFER 4 /* information transfer */
#define L2SRS 5 /* REJ sent */
#define L2SWA 6 /* waiting acknowledge */
#define L2SDBS 7 /* device busy */
#define L2SRBS 8 /* remote busy */
#define L2SBBS 9 /* both busy */
#define L2SWADBS 10 /* waiting ack and device busy */
#define L2SWARBS 11 /* waiting ack and remote busy */
#define L2SWABBS 12 /* waiting ack and both busy */
#define L2SRSDBS 13 /* REJ sent and device busy */
#define L2SRSRBS 14 /* REJ sent and remote busy */
#define L2SRSBBS 15 /* REJ sent and both busy */
#define L2SHTH 16 /* waiting l7 partner connect */
/* "layer 2 message", Status vom Level 2 : */
#define L2MNIX 0 /* keine Nachricht */
#define L2MCONNT 1 /* CONNECTED to */
#define L2MDISCF 2 /* DISCONNECTED from */
#define L2MBUSYF 3 /* BUSY from */
#define L2MFAILW 4 /* LINK FAILURE with */
#define L2MLRESF 5 /* LINK RESET from */
#define L2MLREST 6 /* LINK RESET to */
#define L2MFRMRF 7 /* FRAME REJECT from */
#define L2MFRMRT 8 /* FRAME REJECT to */
#define L2MBUSYT 9 /* BUSY to */
/* "layer 2 control", Frametypen : */
/* */
/* Command/ Poll/ */
/* Typ Gruppe Response Final */
/* ---------------------------------------- */
#define L2CI 0x00 /* I I C P */
#define L2CUI 0x03 /* UI U C/R P/F */
#define L2CSABM 0x2F /* SABM U C P */
#define L2CDISC 0x43 /* DISC U C P */
#define L2CUA 0x63 /* UA U R F */
#define L2CDM 0x0F /* DM U R F */
#define L2CFRMR 0x87 /* FRMR U R F */
#define L2CRR 0x01 /* RR S C/R P/F */
#define L2CREJ 0x09 /* REJ S C/R P/F */
#define L2CRNR 0x05 /* RNR S C/R P/F */
#ifdef EAX25
#define L2CSABME 0x6F /* SABM U C P */
/* "layer 2 control", spezielle Bits : */
#define L2CPF 0x10 /* Poll/Final */
#define L2CCR 0x80 /* Command/Response */
#define L2CH 0x80 /* "has been repeated" */
#define L2CEOA 0x01 /* End of Address */
#define L2CDAMA 0x20 /* geloeschtes Bit = DAMA */
#ifdef EAX25
#define L2CEAX 0x40 /* geloeschtes Bit = Extended AX.25 Frame */
/* "layer 2 control", Masken : */
#define L2CNOIM 0x01 /* "no I mask", kein I-Frame */
#define L2CNOSM 0x02 /* "no S mask", kein S-Frame */
#define L2CNONRM 0x03 /* "no N(R) mask", kein N/R-Frame */
/* "layer 2 control", Protokollidentifier */
#define L2CPID 0xF0 /* kein L3 Protokoll */
#define L2CFRAG 0x08 /* AX25 Fragmentierung */
#define L2CNETROM 0xCF /* NET/ROM TheNet(Node) Interlink-Protokoll */
#define L2CTEXNET 0xC3 /* TexNet (Kompatibilitaetsgruende), wie CF */
#define L2CIP 0xCC /* eingekapseltes IP-Frame */
#define L2CARP 0xCD /* eingekapseltes ARP-Frame */
#define L2CFLEXNET 0xCE /* FlexNet-Protokoll */
/* "layer 2 control", Flags (flag, s.u.) : */
#define L2FDAMA1 0x0001 /* benutzt fuer DAMA-Runden-Steuerung */
#define L2FDAMA2 0x0002 /* benutzt fuer DAMA-Runden-Steuerung */
#define L2FCTEXT 0x0004 /* 1 = C-Text schon mal gesendet */
#define L2FDACK 0x0008 /* 1 = Frame wartet auf Bestaetigung */
#define L2FCMDEL 0x0010 /* Maxframe verzoegert vergroessern */
#define L2FREPEAT 0x0020 /* Frames sollen wiederholt werden */
#define L2FBUSY 0x0040 /* Device busy (ich !) */
#define L2FDSLE 0x0080 /* "disc if send list empty" */
#define L2FDIMM 0x0100 /* "disconnect immedialtly" */
#define L2FACKHTH 0x0400 /* ankommende HTH-Verbindung bestaetigen */
#define L2FREJHTH 0x0800 /* ankommende HTH-Verbindung ablehnen */
/* im Framebufferkopf (l2fflag, s.u.) : */
#define L2FT1ST 0x0001 /* nach Aussendung ist T1 zu starten */
#define L2FUS 0x0002 /* Sendeframe ist U- oder S-Frame (nicht */
/* digipeatet) */
/* End of include/l2.h */