#include "tnn.h" #ifdef L1HTTPD /* Interfacezeiger auf HTTPD. */ static T_INTERFACE *ifhtt = &ifp[HTP_ID]; /* Zeiger auf das Aktuelle Interface. */ static T_INTERFACE *ifpp; enum { H_GET, H_HEAD, H_POST } method; enum { NONE, BIN, TXT, GIF, JPG, WAV, MP3} h_mimetype; static char h_inbuf[400]; static char h_cookie_login[30]; static char h_cookie_pw[16+1]; static long h_contentlength; static char *h_content; static int h_status; static char h_file[80]; static char h_uri[200]; static char h_login[30]; static char h_pw[17]; static int h_nocookie; static char h_header[HEADLEN]; static char h_userpass[50]; static char h_referer[100]; static char h_host[100]; static int h_version; /* Buffer besorgen und Socket eintragen. */ MBHEAD *SetBufSock(void) { MBHEAD *tbp = NULL; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(SetBufSock)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ /* kein Speicher. */ if (nmbfre < 300) { ifpp = SetInterface(tcppoi->Interface); T_LOGL1(TRUE, "(SetBufSock):%s\nSpeicher (%d) ist voll!\n" , tcppoi->ip , nmbfre); /* Kein Buffer zur Verfuegung. */ tcppoi->disflg |= 0x80; /* Segment auf Disconnect setzen. */ return(NULL); } /* Buffer besorgen. */ if ((tbp = (MBHEAD *) allocb(ALLOC_L1HTTPD_RX)) == NULL) { ifpp = SetInterface(tcppoi->Interface); T_LOGL1(TRUE, "(SetBufSock):%s\nSpeicher (%d) ist voll!\n" , tcppoi->ip , nmbfre); /* Kein Buffer zur Verfuegung. */ tcppoi->disflg |= 0x80; /* Segment auf Disconnect setzen. */ return(NULL); } return(tbp); } /* HTTPD-Server Einstellung aendern/setzen. */ void ccphttpd(void) { MBHEAD *mbp; char ch; int tmp_fd = EOF; int newloglevel = 0; int new_tcp_port = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(ccphttpd)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ /* Zeiger auf das aktuelle Interface? */ if (ifhtt == NULL) /* Dann Zeiger auf das HTTPD-Interface. */ ifpp = &ifp[HTP_ID]; else ifpp = ifhtt; /* Sysop will aendern? */ if (issyso() && skipsp(&clicnt, &clipoi)) { clicnt--; ch = toupper(*clipoi++); switch (ch) { /* Sysop will httpd-Port aendern */ case 'P': if (!skipsp(&clicnt, &clipoi)) { putmsg("Invalid Parameter\r"); return; } /* Neuen TCP-Port einlesen. */ new_tcp_port = nxtlong(&clicnt, &clipoi); if ( (new_tcp_port < 1) ||(new_tcp_port > 65535)) { #ifdef SPEECH putmsg(speech_message(328)); #else putmsg("HTTPD-Port not valid, not changed !!!\r"); #endif return; } /* Wenn NEUER TCP-Port und ALTER TCP-Port */ /* GLEICH sind, brauchen wir nix aendern. */ if (ifpp->tcpport == Htons((unsigned short)new_tcp_port)) { #ifdef SPEECH putmsg(speech_message(330)); #else putmsg("TCP-Port successfully changed\r"); #endif return; } /* Ist HTTPD-Server aktiv ? */ if (ifpp->actively == FALSE) { #ifdef SPEECH putmsg(speech_message(327)); #else putmsg("TCP-Port haven not switched on!\r"); #endif return; } if ((tmp_fd = SetupTCP(ifpp->name, (unsigned short)new_tcp_port)) != EOF) { #ifdef OS_STACK int tmp_fd_OS; if ((tmp_fd_OS = SetupOS(ifpp, (unsigned short)new_tcp_port)) != EOF) { /* alten Socket schliessen */ close(ifpp->OsSock); /* Neuen Socket merken */ ifpp->OsSock = tmp_fd_OS; } else { Close(tmp_fd); putmsg("ERROR: Changing UDP-Port failed, Port not changed !!!\r"); return; } #endif /* OS_STACK */ Close(ifpp->ISock); /* Alten Socket schliessen. */ ifpp->ISock = tmp_fd ; /* Neuen Socket merken */ } else { /* Neuen TCP-Port liess sich nicht Initialisieren. */ putmsg("ERROR: Changing UDP-Port failed, Port not changed !!!\r"); return; } /* TCP-Port OK, dann markieren wir neuen TCP-Port. */ ifpp->tcpport = Htons((unsigned short)new_tcp_port); #ifdef SPEECH putmsg(speech_message(330)); #else putmsg("TCP-Port successfully changed\r"); #endif return; /* Sysop will LOGLevel aendern */ case 'L': if (!skipsp(&clicnt, &clipoi)) { /* Keine Parameter angegeben, */ /* status Loglevel anzeigen. */ mbp = putals("HTTPD-Server:\r"); #ifdef SPEECH putprintf(mbp, speech_message(299),ifpp->log); #else putprintf(mbp, "My LogLevel: %d\r",ifpp->log); #endif prompt(mbp); seteom(mbp); return; } /* Markiere neuen Loglevel */ newloglevel = nxtnum(&clicnt, &clipoi); if ( (newloglevel < 0) ||(newloglevel > 3)) { mbp = putals("HTTPD-Server:\r"); #ifdef SPEECH putprintf(mbp, speech_message(325)); #else putprintf(mbp, "Fehler: Loglevel werte von 0 bis 3!\r"); #endif prompt(mbp); seteom(mbp); return; } /* Neuen Loglevel Sysop zeigen */ ifpp->log = newloglevel; mbp = putals("HTTPD-Server:\r"); #ifdef SPEECH putprintf(mbp, speech_message(299), ifpp->log); #else putprintf(mbp, "My Loglevel: %d\r", ifpp->log); #endif prompt(mbp); seteom(mbp); return; break; default: putmsg("Invalid Paramter\r"); return; } } mbp = putals("HTTPD-Server:\r"); #ifdef SPEECH putprintf(mbp, speech_message(299), ifpp->log); putprintf(mbp, speech_message(326), Ntohs(ifpp->tcpport)); #else putprintf(mbp, "My Loglevel: %u\r", ifpp->log); putprintf(mbp, "My TCP-Port: %u\r", Ntohs(ifpp->tcpport)); #endif prompt(mbp); seteom(mbp); } /* Schreibe Konverierung in Buffer. */ static void putf(MBHEAD *tbp, char *format, ...) { va_list argpoint; char cbuf[260]; char *s=cbuf; int i = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(putf)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ va_start(argpoint,format); vsprintf(cbuf,format,argpoint); va_end(argpoint); while(*s && ++i != HEADLEN) putv(tbp, *(s++)); } /* Konvertierung IBM/HTML. */ void putv( MBHEAD *tbp, int c) { #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(putv)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ if(tcppoi && tcppoi->http == TCP_CMD) { switch(c) { /* Conversion IBM -> HTML */ case '>': putf(tbp, ">"); return; case '<': putf(tbp, "<"); return; case 0x84: putf(tbp, "ä"); return; case 0x94: putf(tbp, "ö"); return; case 0x81: putf(tbp, "ü"); return; case 0x8e: putf(tbp, "Ä"); return; case 0x99: putf(tbp, "Ö"); return; case 0x9a: putf(tbp, "Ü"); return; case 0xe1: putf(tbp, "ß"); return; } } if(c == '\n') putchr(CR, tbp); putchr((char)c, tbp); } static void base64bin(char *in, char *out, int maxlen) { int i,a,end = FALSE; long outword = FALSE; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(base64bin)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ while (in[0] && end==0 && maxlen > 3) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (in[i] == 0) end = 1; outword <<= 6; a = in[i]; if (isalpha(a) && isupper(a)) a -= ('A'); else if (isalpha(a) && islower(a)) a-= ('a' - 26); else if (isdigit(a)) a += 4; else if (a == '+') a = 62; else if (a == '/') a = 63; else a = 0; outword |= a; } out[0] = (outword >> 16) & 255; out[1] = (outword >> 8) & 255; out[2] = (outword) & 255; in += 4; out += 3; maxlen -= 3; } out[0] = 0; } static void get_authorization(char *buf ,BOOLEAN cookie, MBHEAD *tbp) { char *search; char *basic; char loginpw[50]; char *locpw; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(get_authorization)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ if(cookie) search="TheNetNode"; else search="Basic"; basic = strstr(buf, search); if(basic) { basic += (strlen(search) + 1); if(strlen(basic) > 50) basic[50] = 0; strncpy(h_userpass, basic, 50); base64bin(basic, loginpw, 49); locpw = strchr(loginpw, ':'); if(locpw) { locpw[16 + 1] = 0; if(cookie) strncpy(h_cookie_pw, locpw + 1, 17); else strncpy(h_pw, locpw + 1, 17); locpw[0] = ' '; } locpw = strchr(loginpw, ' '); if(locpw) locpw[0] = 0; loginpw[16] = 0; if(cookie) strncpy(h_cookie_login, loginpw, 30); else { strncpy(h_login, loginpw, 30); putprintf(tbp, "%s", h_login); } } } static int blkill(char *bf) { int i = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(blkill)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ while (bf[i] == 13 || bf[i] == ' ' || bf[i] == ',') i++; return i; } static char *blankweg(char *s) { #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(blankweg)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ if (s == NULL) return NULL; s = strchr(s,' '); if (s) { s[0] = 0; s += 1; s += blkill(s); return s; } return s; } static char *stristr(char *s1, char *s2) { int i; int l = strlen(s2); #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(stristr)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ while (s1[0]) { i = 0; while ((((s1[i] ^ s2[i]) &0x5f) == 0) && s2[i]) i++; if(i == l) return s1; s1++; } return NULL; } static char *ht_time(time_t t) { static char zeitdatum[40]; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(ht_time)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ strftime(zeitdatum,sizeof(zeitdatum), "%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT",localtime(&t)); return(zeitdatum); } static long filesize(char *name) { struct stat st; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(filesize)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ if (stat(name, &st) == 0) return st.st_size; else return 0L; } static time_t filetime(char *name) { struct stat st; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(filetime)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ if (stat(name, &st) == 0) return st.st_mtime; else return 0L; } static void form_referer(void) { char tmp[80]; char *hostpos=stristr(h_referer,h_host); #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(form_referer)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ if(h_referer[0] && h_host[0] && hostpos) { if ((strlen(hostpos+strlen(h_host))>79)) #ifdef SPEECH printf(speech_message(339)); #else printf("form_referer str too long"); #endif strncpy(tmp, hostpos+strlen(h_host), 80); strncpy(h_referer, tmp, 80); } if(h_referer[0]==0) strcpy(h_referer, "/"); } static void get_field(char *buf,char *dest,int maxlen) { char *dop=strchr(buf,':'); #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(get_field)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ if(dop) { dop++; while(dop[0] == ' ') dop++; if(strlen(dop)>=(unsigned)maxlen) dop[maxlen-1] = FALSE; strncpy(dest,dop, 100); } else dest[0] = FALSE; } static void get_contentlength(char *buf) { char *dop=strchr(buf,':'); #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(get_contentlength)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ if(dop) h_contentlength=atol(dop+1); } static void get_postarea(char *tag,char *result,int max,int wrap) { int i; char *firstresult; char *found; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(get_postarea)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ result[0] = FALSE; firstresult=result; if(h_content==NULL) return; found=stristr(h_content,tag); if(found) { found+=strlen(tag); while(found[0] && found[0]!='&' && max) { if(found[0]=='+') result[0]=' '; else if(found[0]=='%') { char hex[3]; unsigned val; hex[0]=found[1]; hex[1]=found[2]; hex[2]=0; sscanf(hex,"%2X",&val); found+=2; if(val==13) { found++; continue; } result[0]=val; } else result[0]=found[0]; result++; found++; max--; result[0]=0; } } /* do word wrapping since the browser seems not to be able to do it */ if(wrap) { result=firstresult; while(result[0]) { if(result[0]=='\n') { result++; continue; } for(i=0;imbpc != data->mbgc && i != 300) { /* Hole Zeichen aus den Buffer. */ c = getchr(data); /* Zeichen ein CR-Return? */ if (c == CR) /* Eingelesene Zeichen zur weiteren Auswertung. */ break; buffer[i++] = c; } /* Nullzeichen setzen. */ buffer[i++] = '\0'; } /* Status, Login auswerten. */ static void GetRequest(MBHEAD *data) { MBHEAD *rxcall; char locinbuf[301]; char *locmethod; char *locuri; char *locprotocol; char *slash; char *ext; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(GetRequest)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ /* Buffer besorgen. */ if ((rxcall = SetBufSock()) == NULL) /* Buffer voll. */ return; /* Status, Login-Daten zurueckspulen. */ rwndmb(data); /* Status, Login-Daten einlesen. */ read_data(data, locinbuf); /* ggf. Logbuch fuehren. */ ifpp = SetInterface(tcppoi->Interface); T_LOGL3(TRUE, "(GetRequest):%s\nInput: %s" , tcppoi->ip , locinbuf); strncpy(h_inbuf, locinbuf, 400); locmethod = locinbuf; locuri = blankweg(locmethod); locprotocol = blankweg(locuri); blankweg(locprotocol); h_contentlength=0L; h_content=NULL; h_status=200; h_version=9; /* default if no protocol is given */ h_file[0]=0; h_login[0]=0; h_pw[0]=0; h_cookie_login[0]=0; h_cookie_pw[0]=0; h_nocookie=0; h_referer[0]=0; /*deti 16-jul-97*/ h_mimetype=NONE; /*deti 15-jul-97*/ if(locprotocol) { slash = strchr(locprotocol, '/'); if (slash && isdigit(slash[1])) h_version = (slash[1]-'0') * 10; if (slash && isdigit(slash[3])) /* DH3MB: Added "slash &&"*/ h_version += (slash[3] - '0'); } h_uri[0] = 0; if (locuri) strncpy(h_uri, locuri, 200); if (h_uri[0] != '/') h_status = 400; if (stricmp(locmethod, "GET") == 0) method = H_GET; else if (stricmp(locmethod, "HEAD") == 0) method = H_HEAD; else if (stricmp(locmethod, "POST") == 0) method = H_POST; else h_status = 501; if ((ext = strchr(h_uri,'.')) == 0) { if(h_file[strlen(h_file)-1]=='/') h_file[strlen(h_file)-1]=0; } if (ext != NULL) { if ( (strstr(h_uri, "htm") ||(strstr(h_uri, "php"))) == 0) { if (strncmp(locuri, "/./", 3) == FALSE) h_status = 401; strcat(h_file, locuri); if(h_file[strlen(h_file)-1] == '/') h_file[strlen(h_file)-1] = FALSE; } } /* Abmelden */ if(stricmp(h_uri, "/logout") == FALSE) { /* Neuen Status setzen (Logout). */ h_status = 901; /* Name loeschen. */ h_login[0] = 0; /* Buffer fuer Rufzeichen gefuellt? */ if (rxcall != NULL) /* Buffer freigeben. */ dealmb(rxcall); return; } if(locprotocol && stristr(locprotocol, "HTTP/") == locprotocol) { do { /* Status, Login-daten einlesen. */ read_data(data, locinbuf); /* ggf. Logbuch fuehren. */ ifpp = SetInterface(tcppoi->Interface); T_LOGL3(FALSE, "%s",locinbuf); if(locinbuf[0]) { if(stristr(locinbuf, "Authorization") == locinbuf) get_authorization(locinbuf, FALSE, rxcall); if(stristr(locinbuf, "Cookie") == locinbuf) get_authorization(locinbuf, TRUE, rxcall); if(stristr(locinbuf, "Referer") == locinbuf) get_field(locinbuf, h_referer, sizeof(h_referer)); if(stristr(locinbuf, "Host") == locinbuf) get_field(locinbuf, h_host, sizeof(h_host)); if(stristr(locinbuf, "Content-length") == locinbuf) get_contentlength(locinbuf); } } while(locinbuf[0]); if(h_contentlength) { long i; if (h_contentlength > 10000000L) printf("httpd::start_http content too long"); h_content = (char *)malloc(h_contentlength * 2); for (i = 0; i < h_contentlength; i++) h_content[i] = ReadSockTCP(); h_content[i] = 0; } } if(h_status != 200) h_uri[0] = FALSE; locuri = strchr(h_uri, '?'); if (locuri) { if(h_content == NULL) { locuri[0] = FALSE; h_content = locuri + 1; } } form_referer(); if (ext != NULL) { if (strncasecmp(ext, ".htm", 4)) { h_status = 200; if (rxcall != NULL) dealmb(rxcall); return; } } /* Anmelden */ if(stricmp(h_uri, "/login") == FALSE) { /* noch keine Anmeldung. */ if (h_login[0] == FALSE) { /* Neuen Status setzen. */ h_status = 401; /* Buffer fuer Rufzeichen gefuellt? */ if (rxcall != NULL) /* Buffer entsorgen. */ dealmb(rxcall); return; } } if (h_login[0] != FALSE) { /* User/Link anmelden. */ if (LoginTCP(rxcall)) { /* Buffer fuer Rufzeichen gefuellt? */ if (rxcall->owner != ALLOC_NO_OWNER) /* Buffer entsorgen. */ dealmb(rxcall); /* Login war erfolglos, status setzen. */ h_status = 401; } } /* Will User einen Befehl ausfuehren? */ if (stricmp(h_uri, "/cmd") == 0) { if (h_login[0] == FALSE) { /* Buffer fuer Rufzeichen gefuellt? */ if (rxcall->owner != ALLOC_NO_OWNER) /* Buffer entsorgen. */ dealmb(rxcall); /* Neuen Status setzen. */ h_status = 401; } } h_nocookie = 1; /* Buffer fuer Rufzeichen gefuellt? */ if (rxcall->owner != ALLOC_NO_OWNER) /* Buffer entsorgen. */ dealmb(rxcall); } /* aktuelle Zeit setzen. */ static time_t ad_time(void) { time_t newvalue; return(newvalue=time(NULL)); } /* Aktuellen Header in Buffer schreiben. */ static void PutHeader(MBHEAD *tbp, char *head, BOOLEAN frame) { char *s = h_header; WORD j = 0, i = strlen(s); char call[10]; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(PutHeader)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ while (j != i && j != HEADLEN) /* Zeichen in Buffer schreiben. */ putchr(s[j++], tbp); /* Zusaetzlichen HTML-Code? */ if (!frame) /* Nein, dann abbruch. */ return; call2str(call, myid); putprintf(tbp, "%s - %s\n",call,head); putprintf(tbp, "\n"); putprintf(tbp, "\n"); } /* HTML-Header erstellen. */ static int PrepareHeader(MBHEAD *tbp) { struct { int status; char *phrase; } st_tab[] = { { 200,"OK" }, { 201,"Created" }, { 202,"Accepted" }, { 204,"No Content" }, { 301,"Moved Permanently" }, { 302,"Moved Temporarily" }, { 304,"Not Modified" }, { 400,"Bad Request" }, { 401,"Unauthorized" }, { 403,"Forbidden" }, { 404,"Not Found" }, { 500,"Internal Server Errror" }, { 501,"Not Implemented" }, { 502,"Bad Gateway" }, { 503,"Service Unavailable" }, { 901,"Logout" }, { 0,"Unknown" } }; int st; char *mimestr; char *h=h_header; char call[10]; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(PrepareHeader)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ /* Konvertiere MYCALL. */ call2str(call, myid); for(st = 0; st_tab[st].status; st++) { if(st_tab[st].status == h_status) break; } if (h_status == 901) h_status = 401; if(h_version > 9) { h += sprintf(h,"HTTP/1.0 %d %s\n",h_status,st_tab[st].phrase); h += sprintf(h,"Date: %s\n",ht_time(ad_time())); h += sprintf(h,"Server: TheNetNode V1.79\n"); /* Login war erfolglos. */ if (h_status == 401) { h += sprintf(h,"WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"%s\"\n",call); h += sprintf(h,"Set-Cookie: %s=; path=/; expires=%s\n",call,ht_time(0)); } else if(strcmp(h_uri, "/") == 0 && h_status == 200 && h_pw[0] && h_nocookie == 0) h += sprintf(h,"Set-Cookie: %s=%s; path=/; expires=%s\n", call,h_userpass,ht_time(ad_time()+3600*24*30)); /* Kein Mime-Type gesetzt. */ if(h_mimetype == NONE) { if(stristr(h_uri, ".jpg")) h_mimetype = JPG; if(stristr(h_uri, ".gif")) h_mimetype = GIF; if(stristr(h_uri, ".wav")) h_mimetype = WAV; if(stristr(h_uri, ".mp3")) h_mimetype = MP3; if(stristr(h_uri, ".tar")) h_mimetype = BIN; if(stristr(h_uri, ".zip")) h_mimetype = BIN; } /* Content-type stzen. */ switch(h_mimetype) { case JPG: mimestr = MIME_JPG; break; case GIF: mimestr = MIME_GIF; break; case BIN: mimestr = MIME_BIN; break; case WAV: mimestr = MIME_WAV; break; case MP3: mimestr = MIME_MP3; break; default: mimestr = MIME_TXT; } h += sprintf(h,"Content-type: %s\n",mimestr); if(h_file[0] && !access(h_file, 0)) { h += sprintf(h,"Content-length: %ld\n",filesize(h_file)); h += sprintf(h,"Last-modified: %s\n",ht_time(filetime(h_file))); } else { char cmd[30]; int expsec=180; get_postarea("cmd=",cmd,29,0); if(cmd[0] && cmd[0] != 'd' && cmd[0] != 'c' && cmd[0] != 'h') expsec = (-10000); if(stristr(h_uri, "/send") == h_uri) expsec=8000; /*OE3DZW was 7200 */ h += sprintf(h,"Expires: %s\n",ht_time(ad_time()+expsec)); } h += sprintf(h, "\n"); } /* Abmelden /logout */ if(stricmp(h_uri, "/logout") == FALSE) { h += sprintf(h,"Logout\n"); h += sprintf(h,"\n"); h += sprintf(h,"


\n",st_tab[st].phrase); h += sprintf(h,"

    h += sprintf(h,"Sie haben sich erfolgreich abgemeldet.\n");
    h += sprintf(h,"Rejected request: '%s'\n",h_inbuf);
    h += sprintf(h,"

" "
HTTPD-Server TheNetNode V1.79 - Server at ´%s Port %d
", call, Htons(ifp[HTP_ID].tcpport)); h += sprintf(h,"\n"); /* Aktuellen Header in Buffer schreiben. */ PutHeader(tbp, st_tab[st].phrase,0); return(FALSE); } if(h_status != 200) { h += sprintf(h,"Unauthorized\n"); h += sprintf(h,"\n"); h += sprintf(h,"

%s (%d)

\n",st_tab[st].phrase,h_status); h += sprintf(h,"
                   "Benutzername ist ungueltig !!!\n"
                   "Benutzen Sie ein Rufzeichen aus DAA000 bis DZZ999 oder als GAST-Nutzer GAST.\n"
    h += sprintf(h,"An error ocurred while processing your query.\n");
    h += sprintf(h,"Rejected request: '%s'\n",h_inbuf);
    h += sprintf(h,"

" "
HTTPD-Server TheNetNode V1.79 - Server at ´%s Port %d
", call, Htons(ifp[HTP_ID].tcpport)); h += sprintf(h,"\n"); /* Aktuellen Header in Buffer schreiben. */ PutHeader(tbp, st_tab[st].phrase,0); return(FALSE); } if(method == H_GET || method == H_POST) return(TRUE); /* Aktuellen Header in Buffer schreiben. */ PutHeader(tbp, "",1); return(FALSE); } /* Befehl weiterleiten. */ static void PutComand(void) { MBHEAD *tbp; int i = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(PutComand)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ /* Steht nix in der Befehlszeile, */ if (!tcppoi->cmdlen) /* brechen wir hier ab,. */ return; /* zum Schluss das Return setzen. */ tcppoi->cmd[tcppoi->cmdlen++] = CR; /* Buffer besorgen. */ tbp = (MBHEAD *) allocb(ALLOC_MBHEAD); /* Befehlszeile in Buffer schreiben. */ while (tcppoi->cmdlen-- && i != RXLEN) /* Zeichen in Buffer schreiben. */ putchr(tcppoi->cmd[i++], tbp); /* Befehl weiterleiten. */ RelinkTCP(tbp); } /* Path setzen/offnen. */ BOOLEAN SetFileOpen(char *urifile, MBHEAD *tbp) { char cfgfile[255]; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(SetFileOpen)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ /* Path setzen. */ strcpy(cfgfile, textpath); strcat(cfgfile, "http"); strcat(cfgfile, urifile); /* File-Pointer belegt? */ if (tcppoi->fp == NULL) { /* Datei oeffnen. */ if ((tcppoi->fp = fopen(cfgfile, "rb")) == NULL) { ifpp = SetInterface(tcppoi->Interface); T_LOGL1(TRUE, "(SetFileOpen):%s\nDatei (%s) kann nicht geoeffnet werden!\n" , tcppoi->ip , cfgfile); /* Datei laest sich nicht offnen, abbruch. */ return(TRUE); } ifpp = SetInterface(tcppoi->Interface); T_LOGL2(TRUE, "(SetFileOpen):%s\nDatei (%s) zum lesen geoeffnet.\n" , tcppoi->ip , cfgfile); } PutHeader(tbp, "TheNetNode V1.79", FALSE); return(FALSE); } /* HTML-Datei konnte nicht geoeffnet */ /* werden und nun wird gemeckert! */ static void PutHtmlError(MBHEAD *tbp, char *url) { char call[10]; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(PutHtmlError)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ /* Markiere, html/text. */ h_mimetype = TXT; /* Neuen HTML-Haeder erzeugen. */ PrepareHeader(tbp); /* Path setzen/offnen. */ if (SetFileOpen("/unknown.html", tbp) == TRUE) { /* Aktuellen Header einlesen/schreiben. */ PutHeader(tbp, "TheNetNode V1.79", FALSE); call2str(call, myid); /* Fehlermeldung zusammenbasteln. */ putprintf(tbp, "404 Nicht gefunden\n"); putprintf(tbp, "
\nDie Seite wurde nicht gefunden!\n"); putprintf(tbp, "
(Angegebene URL: %s)

",url); putprintf(tbp, "
\n"); putprintf(tbp, "
HTTPD-Server TheNetNode V1.79 - Server at %s Port %d
", call, Htons(ifp[HTP_ID].tcpport)); putprintf(tbp, "\n\n"); } else /* Externe Datei laden. */ tcppoi->status = TCP_URI; } /* Pruefe Index-Verzeichnis. */ DIR *CheckPath(MBHEAD *tbp, char *Path) { DIR *dp; char TmpPath1[256]; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(CheckPath)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ if (strncmp(Path, "//", 2) == FALSE) return(NULL); Path += 1; strcpy(TmpPath1, htmlpath); strcat(TmpPath1, Path); /* Verzeichnis oeffnen. */ dp = opendir(TmpPath1); /* Fehler, Verzeichnis letzt sich nicht oeffnen. */ if (dp == NULL) /* Abbrechen. */ return(NULL); return(dp); } /* Index-Verzeichnis setzen. */ void SetIndexPath(char *Path, char *IndexPath) { char Buffer[256]; char *BPath = Buffer; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(SetIndexPath)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ strcpy(BPath, Path); BPath += 1; addslash(BPath); sprintf(IndexPath, "%s", BPath); } /* Parent-Verzeichnis setzen. */ void SetParentPath(char *Path, char *ParentPath) { char Buffer[256]; char TmpPath2[256]; char *BPath = Buffer; char *loc; int pos; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(SetParentPath)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ SetIndexPath(Path, BPath); strcpy(TmpPath2, htmlpath); strcat(TmpPath2, BPath); /* Letztes zeichen (Back/Slash) loeschen. */ TmpPath2[(strlen(TmpPath2) -1)] = 0; /* Suche das letzte Back/Slash. */ if ((loc = strrchr(TmpPath2, FILE_SEP)) != NULL) { /* Position setzen. */ pos = (int)(loc - TmpPath2); /* aktuelles Verzeichnis setzen. */ TmpPath2[pos] = 0; /* Back/Slash neu setzen. */ addslash(TmpPath2); } /* Vergleiche Haupt "HTTPD" Verzeichnis mit aktuellen Verzeichnis. */ if (strcasecmp(htmlpath, TmpPath2)) { /* komplettes Verzeichnis setzen. */ loc = TmpPath2; /* zum aktuellen Verzeichnis vorruecken. */ loc += (strlen(htmlpath)); /* aktuelles Verzeichnis setzen. */ sprintf(ParentPath, "/%s", loc); return; } /* Local Hostname setzen. */ sprintf(ParentPath,"%c", FILE_SEP); } /* Dateien / Verzeichnisse listen. */ void DirList(MBHEAD *tbp, DIR *dir, char *Path) { struct dirent *dirp; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(DirList)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ /* Dateien sowie Verzeichnisse auflisten. */ while ((dirp = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { char Size[256]; char FileName[256]; long int fSize = 0; struct stat FSize; /* nicht anzeigen. */ if (dirp->d_name[0] == '.') continue; /* Kompletten Dateiname zusammenfassen. */ sprintf(FileName, "%s%s%s", htmlpath, Path, dirp->d_name); /* Stat-Werte (Zeit, Datum, Dateigroesse) ermitteln. */ if (!stat(FileName, &FSize)) /* Bytes uebertragen. */ fSize = FSize.st_size; /* Wert umrechnen in MB. */ if(fSize >= 999999) sprintf(Size,"%8ldMB",fSize/(1024*1024)); else { /* Wert umrechnen in KB. */ if(fSize >= 9999) sprintf(Size,"%8ldKB",fSize/1024); else /* Wert umrechnen in Bytes. */ sprintf(Size,"%8ldB ",fSize); } putprintf(tbp, " \n
  • %s
  • %10s\n \n",Path ,dirp->d_name, dirp->d_name, (fSize ? Size : "")); } } /* Httpd-Service. */ void TcpipHttpd(MBHEAD *data) { MBHEAD *tbp = NULL; char cmd[200]; char *head; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(TcpipHttpd)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ /* Buffer besorgen. */ if ((tbp = SetBufSock()) == NULL) /* Kein Speicher.*/ return; /* Status, Login auswerten. */ GetRequest(data); MhUpdateTCP(data, TRUE); /* MH-Liste updaten */ /* HTML-Header erstellen. */ if(PrepareHeader(tbp)) { /* Binaertransfer? */ if(h_file[0]) { /* Path setzen/offnen. */ if (SetFileOpen(h_file, tbp) == TRUE) /* Externe HTML-Datei kann nicht geoffnet werden. */ PutHtmlError(tbp, h_file); else { /* Externe Datei laden. */ tcppoi->status = TCP_URI; /* Binaertransfer. */ tcppoi->http = TCP_BIN; } } /* HTML-Code. */ else { get_postarea("cmd=", cmd, 59, 0); /* Befehl? */ if(cmd[0]) /* Markiere Befehl. */ head = cmd; /* Kein Befehl. */ else /* String-Header setzen. */ head = "TheNetNode V1.79"; /* Index laden? */ if( (strcmp(h_uri, "/") == 0) ||(strcmp(h_uri, "/login") == 0)) { /* Path setzen/offnen. */ if (SetFileOpen(("/index.html"), tbp) == TRUE) /* Externe HTML-Datei kann nicht geoffnet werden. */ PutHtmlError(tbp, "http/index.html"); else /* Externe Datei laden. */ tcppoi->status = TCP_URI; } /* evl. Kommando ausfuehren. */ else /* Will User einen Befehl ausfuehren? */ if (stricmp(h_uri, "/cmd") == 0) { /* Befehl fuer spaeter sichern. */ strncpy(tcppoi->cmd, head, RXLEN); /* Laenge setzen. */ tcppoi->cmdlen = strlen(tcppoi->cmd); /* Path setzen/offnen. */ if (SetFileOpen(("/cmd.html"), tbp) == TRUE) /* Externe HTML-Datei kann nicht geoffnet werden. */ PutHtmlError(tbp, "/cmd.html"); else { /* Externe Datei laden. */ tcppoi->status = TCP_URI; /* Befehl ausfuehren. */ tcppoi->http = TCP_CMD; } } /* evl. Verzeichnis/Datei listen. */ else { DIR *Tree; char call[10]; char Buffer1[256]; char Buffer2[256]; char *IndexPath = Buffer1; char *ParentPath =Buffer2; /* Pruefe Index-Verzeichnis. */ if ((Tree = CheckPath(tbp, h_uri)) != NULL) { /* Index-Verzeichnis setzen. */ SetIndexPath(h_uri, IndexPath); /* Markiere, html/text. */ h_mimetype = TXT; /* Neuen HTML-Haeder erzeugen. */ PrepareHeader(tbp); /* Aktuellen Header einlesen/schreiben. */ PutHeader(tbp, "TheNetNode V1.79", FALSE); /* HTML Elemente setzen. */ putprintf(tbp, "\n \n Index of %s\n \n \n", IndexPath); putprintf(tbp, "

    Index of %s

    \n", IndexPath); putprintf(tbp, "
    \n\n \n  \n  \n \n");
                putprintf(tbp, " \n  \n  \n \n");
                /* Parent-Verzeichnis setzen. */
                SetParentPath(h_uri, ParentPath);
                putprintf(tbp, " \n \n  \n \n", ParentPath);
                /* Verzeichnisse/Dateien Listen. */
                DirList(tbp, Tree, IndexPath);
                call2str(call, myid);
                putprintf(tbp, "\n
    "); putprintf(tbp, "
  • Parent Directory
    \n"); putprintf(tbp, "
    HTTPD-Server TheNetNode V1.79 - Server at %s Port %d
    ", call, Htons(ifp[HTP_ID].tcpport)); /* Buffer entsorgen. */ closedir(Tree); } /* Auch kein Befehl. */ /* Dann kann es nur eine externe HTML-Datei sein. */ else /* Path setzen/offnen. */ if (SetFileOpen(h_uri, tbp) == TRUE) /* Externe HTML-Datei kann nicht geoffnet werden. */ PutHtmlError(tbp, h_uri); else /* Externe Datei laden. */ tcppoi->status = TCP_URI; } } } /* Ist der Buffer gefuellt und gibt es eine anfrage. */ if ((tbp->mbpc) && (h_uri[0])) { /* Buffer zurueck spulen. */ rwndmb(tbp); /* Buffer umhaengen in die Sendeliste. */ relink((LEHEAD *) tbp, (LEHEAD *)tcppoi->outbuf.tail); /* Markiere, Frame in Sendeliste. */ ++tcppoi->outlin; } /* Es gibt keine Anfrage, damit auch kein Buffer. */ else { /* Buffer entsorgen. */ dealmb(tbp); tcppoi->disflg |= 0x80; } } /* Aktuelle Zeichen auswerten. */ TRILLIAN GetContensHTP(char contens) { int i = 0; char s[RXLEN]; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(GetContensHTP)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ /* Alles auf 0 setzen. */ tcppoi->cmdlen = 0; tcppoi->rxc = 0; /* Es gibt Zeichen? */ if (!tcppoi->RecvLen) /* Nein, brechen wir ab. */ return(ERRORS); /* Alle Zeichen vom Socket holen. */ while (tcppoi->rxc < tcppoi->RecvLen) { /* Aktuelle Zeichen. */ s[i] = tcppoi->rxbuf[tcppoi->rxc++]; /* Zeichen ein LF-Return. */ if (s[i] == LF) /* zum naechsten Zeichen. */ continue; /* Zeichen ein Return? */ if (s[i] == CR) { /* Return setzen. */ tcppoi->cmd[tcppoi->cmdlen++] = CR; /* zum naechsten Zeichen. */ continue; } /* Aktuelles Zeichen setzen. */ tcppoi->cmd[tcppoi->cmdlen++] = s[i++]; } /* Nullzeichen setzen. */ tcppoi->cmd[tcppoi->cmdlen] = '\0'; /* Frame ist komplett. */ return(YES); } /* String in Buffer schreiben. */ static void PutWcard(MBHEAD *tbp, char *buf) { WORD i = strlen(buf); int j = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(PutWcard)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ while (j != i && j != 256) /* Zeichen in Buffer schreiben. */ putchr(buf[j++], tbp); } /* Suche nach Platzhalter. Findet man einen */ /* senden wir den jeweiligen String */ static void search_wildcard(MBHEAD *tbp, char buffer) { char strbuf[256 + 1]; char call[10]; static char wildcard = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(search_wildcard)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ /* Ist Zeichen ein Platzhalter? */ if ((wildcard == '~') || (buffer == '~')) { /* Aktuelles Zeichen sichern. */ wildcard = buffer; switch (buffer) { /* Autorstring */ case 'a': strncpy(strbuf, author, 256); /* String in Buffer schreiebn.*/ PutWcard(tbp, strbuf); return; /* Befehl ausfuehren. */ case 'b': /* Befehl weiterleiten. */ PutComand(); /* Conversion IBM -> HTML einschalten. */ tcppoi->http = TCP_CMD; /* Markiere, Befehl ausfuehren. */ tcppoi->status = TCP_CMD; return; /* IP-Adresse. */ case 'i': strncpy(strbuf, tcppoi->ip, 256); /* String in Buffer schreiben. */ PutWcard(tbp, strbuf); return; /* Loginstring. */ case 'l': strncpy(strbuf, loginstr, 256); /* String in Buffer schreiben. */ PutWcard(tbp, strbuf); return; /* Mycall. */ case 'm': call2str(call,myid); strncpy(strbuf, call, 256); /* String in Buffer schreiben. */ PutWcard(tbp, strbuf); return; /* Login-Rufzeichen. */ case 'r': /*Login als GAST */ if (tcppoi->Upcall[0] == FALSE) { strncpy(strbuf, "GUEST", 5); strbuf[5] = 0; /* String in Buffer schreiben. */ PutWcard(tbp, strbuf); return; } /* Login als USER */ call2str(call, tcppoi->Upcall); strncpy(strbuf, call, 256); /* String in Buffer schreiben. */ PutWcard(tbp, strbuf); return; /* Dateiname sichern. */ case 'u': /* index.html? */ if(strcmp(h_uri, "/") == 0) strncpy(strbuf, "/http/index.html", 256); /* Keine index.html. */ else strncpy(strbuf, h_uri, 256); /* String in Buffer schreiben. */ PutWcard(tbp, strbuf); return; /* TCP-Port. */ case 'p': sprintf(strbuf,"%d", Htons(ifp[HTP_ID].tcpport)); PutWcard(tbp, strbuf); return; /* Platzhalter. */ case '~': /* Bei Binaertransfer keine */ /* Beachtung auf Platzhalter */ if (tcppoi->http != TCP_BIN) /* Binaertransfer, abbruch. */ return; } } /* Zeichen in Buffer schreiben. */ putchr((wildcard = (char)buffer), tbp); } /* Externe HTML-Datei laden. */ BOOLEAN load_uri(void) { SENDTX *STx = NULL; register int i = 0; WORD c; BOOLEAN end = TRUE; /* Kein Frame in der Warteschlange. */ int mem = (nmbfre_max / 2); #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(load_uri)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ /* Frame in der Warteschlange. */ if (tcppoi->outlin) { /* TX-Segment besorgen. */ if ((STx = (SENDTX *)allocb(ALLOC_L1HTTPD_TX)) == NULL) { /* Seqment auf Disc setzen. */ tcppoi->disflg |= 0x80; /* Kein Speicher frei. */ return(FALSE); } /* Hole Frame aus der Warteschlange. */ STx->Data = (MBHEAD *)ulink((LEHEAD *)tcppoi->outbuf.head); /* Entferne Markierung aus der Warteschlange. */ --tcppoi->outlin; /* Socket setzen. */ STx->Sock = tcppoi->sock; /* Interface setzen, */ STx->Interface = tcppoi->Interface; /* Stack-Mode setzen. */ STx->Mode = tcppoi->mode; /* Buffer zurueckspulen.*/ rwndmb(STx->Data); /* Buffer in die Sendeliste haengen. */ relink((LEHEAD *) STx, (LEHEAD *)rxflTX.tail); /* Frame senden. */ return(TRUE); } /* Pruefen, ob genug Speicher vorhanden ist. */ if ( (nmbfre < 300) ||(mem < (nmbfre_max - nmbfre))) { /* ggf. Logbuch fuehren. */ ifpp = SetInterface(tcppoi->Interface); T_LOGL2(TRUE, "(load_url):%s\nSpeicher (%d) ist voll!\n" , tcppoi->ip , nmbfre); /* Segment auf Disc setzen. */ tcppoi->disflg |= 0x80; /* Kein Speicher frei. */ return(FALSE); } /* TX-Segment besorgen. */ if ((STx = (SENDTX *)allocb(ALLOC_L1HTTPD_TX)) == NULL) { /* ggf. Logbuch fuehren. */ ifpp = SetInterface(tcppoi->Interface); T_LOGL2(TRUE, "(load_url):%s\nSpeicher (%d) ist voll!\n" , tcppoi->ip , nmbfre); /* Segment auf Disc setzen. */ tcppoi->disflg |= 0x80; /* Kein Segment frei, abbruch. */ return(FALSE); } /* Buffer besorgen.*/ if ((STx->Data = SetBuffer()) == NULL) { /* TX-Segment entsorgen.*/ dealoc((MBHEAD *)ulink((LEHEAD *)STx)); /* ggf. Logbuch fuehren. */ ifpp = SetInterface(tcppoi->Interface); T_LOGL2(TRUE, "(load_url):%s\nSpeicher (%d) ist voll!\n" , tcppoi->ip , nmbfre); /* Seqment auf Disc setzen. */ tcppoi->disflg |= 0x80; /* Buffer ist voll, abbruch. */ return(FALSE); } /* Socket setzen. */ STx->Sock = tcppoi->sock; /* Interface setzen. */ STx->Interface = tcppoi->Interface; /* Stack-Mode setzen. */ STx->Mode = tcppoi->mode; /* Fehler beim Offnen der externen HTML-Datei. */ if (tcppoi->fp == NULL) { /* Buffer entsorgen. */ dealmb(STx->Data); /* Seqment auf Disc setzen. */ tcppoi->disflg |= 0x80; /* ggf. Logbuch fuehren. */ ifpp = SetInterface(tcppoi->Interface); T_LOGL2(TRUE, "(load_url):%s\nDatei ist nicht geoeffnet!\n" , tcppoi->ip); return(FALSE); } /* max. 1024 Zeichen einlesen/schreiben. */ for (; STx->Data->mbpc < 1024; ++i) { /* Es wird ein Befehl ausfuehren. */ if (tcppoi->status == TCP_CMD) /* Ja, dann spaeter den restlichen html-code laden. */ break; /* aktuelle Zeichen holen. */ if ((c = fgetc(tcppoi->fp)) == EOF) { /* Dateiende erreicht. */ end = FALSE; /* Schleife abbrechen. */ break; } /* Bei Binaertranfer keine durchsuchung von Wildcards. */ if (tcppoi->http == TCP_BIN) /* Schreibe Zeichen in Buffer. */ putchr((char)(c), STx->Data); /* Text-Transfer. */ else /* Nach Wildcard suchen, ggf auswerten */ /* und in Buffer schreiben. */ search_wildcard(STx->Data, (char)(c)); } /* Dateiende erreicht. */ if (end == FALSE) { /* Externe HTML-Datei schliessen. */ fclose(tcppoi->fp); /* ggf. Logbuch fuehren. */ ifpp = SetInterface(tcppoi->Interface); T_LOGL2(TRUE, "(load_url):%s\nDatei wird geschlossen.\n" , tcppoi->ip); /* File-Pointer zuruecksetzen. */ tcppoi->fp = NULL; /* Markiere, Download abgeschlossen. */ tcppoi->status = TCP_NULL; /* Seqment auf Disc setzen. */ tcppoi->disflg |= 0x80; } /* Buffer zurueckspulen.*/ rwndmb(STx->Data); /* Buffer in die Sendeliste haengen. */ relink((LEHEAD *) STx, (LEHEAD *)rxflTX.tail); return(TRUE); } void PutHtmlEnd(void) { SENDTX *STx; #ifdef DEBUG_MODUS lastfunc = "l1http(PutHtmlEnd)"; #endif /* DEBUG_MODUS */ if ((STx = (SENDTX *)allocb(ALLOC_L1HTTPD_TX)) == NULL)/* TX-Segment besorgen. */ { /* ggf. Logbuch fuehren. */ ifpp = SetInterface(tcppoi->Interface); T_LOGL2(TRUE, "(PutHtmlEnd):%s\nSpeicher (%d) ist voll!\n" , tcppoi->ip , nmbfre); tcppoi->disflg |= 0x80; return; /* Kein Segment frei, abbruch. */ } if ((STx->Data = SetBuffer()) == NULL) /* Buffer besorgen. */ { dealoc((MBHEAD *)ulink((LEHEAD *)STx)); /* TX-Segment entsorgen.*/ /* ggf. Logbuch fuehren. */ ifpp = SetInterface(tcppoi->Interface); T_LOGL2(TRUE, "(PutHtmlEnd):%s\nSpeicher (%d) ist voll!\n" , tcppoi->ip , nmbfre); tcppoi->disflg |= 0x80; return; /* Buffer ist voll, abbruch. */ } STx->Sock = tcppoi->sock; STx->Interface = tcppoi->Interface; STx->Mode = tcppoi->mode; /* Stack-Mode setzen. */ putprintf(STx->Data, "\n
    "); rwndmb(STx->Data); /* Buffer zurueckspulen.*/ /* Buffer in die Sendeliste haengen. */ relink((LEHEAD *) STx, (LEHEAD *)rxflTX.tail); } #endif /* End of os/win32/httpd.c */