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2019-05-15 00:19:53 +02:00
# #
# ***** ***** #
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# ***** ***** #
# *************** *************** #
# ***************** ***************** #
# *************** *************** #
# ***** ***** TheNetNode #
# ***** ***** Portable #
# ***** ***** Network #
# ***** ***** Software #
# #
# File makefile (maintained by: DG8BR) #
# #
# Copyright (C) 1998 - 2004 NORD><LINK e.V. Braunschweig #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the NORD><LINK ALAS (Allgemeine Lizenz fuer #
# Amateurfunk Software) as published by Hans Georg Giese (DF2AU) #
# on 13/Oct/1992; either version 1, or (at your option) any later #
# version. #
# #
# This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY only for further #
# development and learning purposes. See the ALAS (Allgemeine Lizenz #
# fuer Amateurfunk Software). #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the NORD><LINK ALAS (Allgemeine #
# Lizenz fuer Amateurfunk Software) along with this program; if not, #
# write to NORD><LINK e.V., Hinter dem Berge 5, D-38108 Braunschweig #
# #
# Dieses Programm ist PUBLIC DOMAIN, mit den Einschraenkungen durch #
# die ALAS (Allgemeine Lizenz fuer Amateurfunk Software), entweder #
# Version 1, veroeffentlicht von Hans Georg Giese (DF2AU), #
# am 13.Oct.1992, oder (wenn gewuenscht) jede spaetere Version. #
# #
# Dieses Programm wird unter Haftungsausschluss vertrieben, aus- #
# schliesslich fuer Weiterentwicklungs- und Lehrzwecke. Naeheres #
# koennen Sie der ALAS (Allgemeine Lizenz fuer Amateurfunk Software) #
# entnehmen. #
# #
# Sollte dieser Software keine ALAS (Allgemeine Lizenz fuer Amateur- #
# funk Software) beigelegen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an #
# NORD><LINK e.V., Hinter dem Berge 5, D-38108 Braunschweig #
# #
# Makefile fuer MSG und MSY
MSGMSY := contrib/msgmsy
MSGFILES := $(MSGMSY)/{ms[gy]{_lin.c,.his,.inf},msg.{usr,sys},makefile}
.PHONY: msg msy msgclean
all: msg msy
clean: msgclean
msg: $(BIN)/msg
msy: $(BIN)/msy
ifeq ($(SYSTEM), LINUX)
.PHONY: msgdist msginstall msggo32 msygo32
bigdist: msgdist
install: msginstall
go32: msggo32 msygo32
msggo32: $(BIN)/msggo32
msygo32: $(BIN)/msygo32
$(BIN)/msg: $(MSGMSY)/msg_lin.c $(MSGMSY)/makefile $(CLEANER)
$(CLEANER) $(MSGMSY)/msg_lin.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS_LIN) $(LDFLAGS_LIN) -o $@ $(MSGMSY)/msg_lin.c
echo $@ done.
$(BIN)/msy: $(MSGMSY)/msy_lin.c $(MSGMSY)/makefile $(CLEANER)
$(CLEANER) $(MSGMSY)/msy_lin.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS_LIN) $(LDFLAGS_LIN) -o $@ $(MSGMSY)/msy_lin.c
echo $@ done.
$(BIN)/msggo32: $(MSGMSY)/msg_lin.c $(MSGMSY)/makefile $(CLEANER)
$(CLEANER) $(MSGMSY)/msg_lin.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS_GO32) -o $@ $(MSGMSY)/msg_lin.c
chmod 644 $@
echo $@ done.
$(BIN)/msygo32: $(MSGMSY)/msy_lin.c $(MSGMSY)/makefile $(CLEANER)
$(CLEANER) $(MSGMSY)/msy_lin.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS_GO32) -o $@ $(MSGMSY)/msy_lin.c
chmod 644 $@
echo $@ done.
rm -f $(BIN)/ms[gy] $(BIN)/ms[gy]go32{,.exe} $(MSGMSY)/*~
cp --parents $(MSGFILES) $(DISTDIR)
echo $@
install -m 0700 $(BIN)/msg $(TNNUSEREXE)msg
install -m 0700 $(BIN)/msy $(TNNSYSEXE)msy
cp $(MSGMSY)/msg.{usr,sys} $(TNNMSG)
# Nun kommt Dose
$(BIN)/msg: $(MSGMSY)/msg_lin.c $(MSGMSY)/makefile $(CLEANER)
$(CLEANER) $(MSGMSY)/msg_lin.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS_GO32) -o $@ $(MSGMSY)/msg_lin.c
echo $@ done.
$(BIN)/msy: $(MSGMSY)/msy_lin.c $(MSGMSY)/makefile $(CLEANER)
$(CLEANER) $(MSGMSY)/msy_lin.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS_GO32) -o $@ $(MSGMSY)/msy_lin.c
echo $@ done.
erase $(subst /,\\,$(BIN))\msg
erase $(subst /,\\,$(BIN))\msy
erase $(subst /,\\,$(BIN))\msg.exe
erase $(subst /,\\,$(BIN))\msy.exe
erase $(subst /,\\,$(MSGMSY))\*.bak