⚙ System settings

here you can set which features and sensors you use

Output configuration
Invert Outputs:

When using CanGrow PCB v0.6, set to Yes

Use relais for LED (disable PWM):
Use relais for FAN1 (disable PWM):

Sensor configuration
Soilmoisture sensor:
Soilmoisture dry:
Soilmoisture wet:
Soilmoisture raw reading: 123

Put your soilmoisture sensor into dry soil and hit Refresh.
Adjust the value of 'Soilmoisture dry' if needed according to the reading.
Repeat this with wet soil for 'Soilmoisture wet'.

Temperature sensor:
Humidity sensor:

General configuration
NTP offset/UTC timezone: Hours
Maintenance Duration: Seconds
PWM Frequency: Hz
Display rotation interval: Seconds

0 will always show sensor value screen

ESP32-Cam IP (optional):