Compare commits
No commits in common. "main" and "firmware_v0.1.1" have entirely different histories.
19 changed files with 223 additions and 8752 deletions
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
[submodule "Arduino/CanGrow/Adafruit-GFX-Library"]
path = Arduino/CanGrow/Adafruit-GFX-Library
url =
[submodule "Arduino/CanGrow/lib/Adafruit-GFX-Library"]
path = Arduino/CanGrow/lib/Adafruit-GFX-Library
url =
[submodule "Arduino/CanGrow/lib/Adafruit_SSD1306"]
path = Arduino/CanGrow/lib/Adafruit_SSD1306
url =
[submodule "Arduino/CanGrow/lib/Adafruit_BME280_Library"]
path = Arduino/CanGrow/lib/Adafruit_BME280_Library
url =
[submodule "Arduino/CanGrow/lib/NTPClient"]
path = Arduino/CanGrow/lib/NTPClient
url =
[submodule "Arduino/CanGrow/lib/Time"]
path = Arduino/CanGrow/lib/Time
url =
[submodule "Arduino/CanGrow/lib/Adafruit_SHT31"]
path = Arduino/CanGrow/lib/Adafruit_SHT31
url =
[submodule "Arduino/CanGrow/lib/Adafruit_Sensor"]
path = Arduino/CanGrow/lib/Adafruit_Sensor
url =
@ -4,12 +4,20 @@
// set CANGROW_VER and CANGROW_BUILD if not already done as Compiler Flag
#define CANGROW_VER "v0.1.1-dev"
#define CANGROW_BUILD "1a2b3c4f-001"
* Includes
// Libraries internal (Arduino Core / ESP)
// Libraries
#include <SPI.h>
@ -23,40 +31,32 @@
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
// OTA update
#include <ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer.h>
// Libraries external
//include "lib/Adafruit-GFX-Library/Adafruit_GFX.h"
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
//include "lib/Adafruit_SSD1306/Adafruit_SSD1306.h"
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
// include "lib/Adafruit_Sensor/Adafruit_Sensor.h"
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
//include "lib/Adafruit_BME280_Library/Adafruit_BME280.h"
#include <Adafruit_BME280.h>
//#include "lib/Adafruit_SHT31/Adafruit_SHT31.h"
#include <Adafruit_SHT31.h>
#include "lib/ArduinoJson/ArduinoJson-v7.2.1.h"
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
//#include "lib/NTPClient/NTPClient.h"
#include <NTPClient.h>
//#include "lib/Time/TimeLib.h"
#include <TimeLib.h>
// DHT support dropped
// #include "DHT.h"
// SHT30/31
#include "Adafruit_SHT31.h"
* CanGrow header files
#include "CanGrow_Version.h"
#include "CanGrow_PinAssignments.h"
#include "CanGrow_Init.h"
#include "CanGrow_Logo.h"
@ -242,9 +242,12 @@ void setup() {
// we do this here because otherwise on inverted
// boards like CanGrow PCB v0.6 it would be turned on
if(configured == true) {
pinMode(PinLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PinPUMP, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PinFAN, OUTPUT);
// set PWM frequency
@ -270,9 +273,6 @@ void loop() {
// refresh all sensor values
// calculate VPD -
valVPD = (((100 - valHumidity) / 100) * (610.7 * (pow(10, (7.5 * valTemperature / (237.3 + valTemperature))))))/1000;
// calculate acutal DayOfGrow
DayOfGrow = int(ceil(float((timeClient.getEpochTime() - GrowStart) / 60 / 60 / 24)));
// decide if we are in Veg or Bloom phase of grow
@ -186,24 +186,6 @@ input[type=text], input[type=date], input[type=number], input[type=password], se
margin-bottom: 3px;
/* VPD colors */
.vpd_danger1 {
color: #1a6c9c;
.vpd_earlyveg {
color: #22ab9c;
.vpd_lateveg {
color: #9cc55b;
.vpd_latebloom {
color: #9cc55b;
.vpd_danger2 {
color: #1a6c9c;
@ -470,7 +452,7 @@ const char HTMLgauge[] PROGMEM = R"EOF(
<div class='gaugeWrapper'>
<div class='gauge gauge--liveupdate spacer' id='gaugeTemperature' style='float:left; margin-right: 10px;'>
<div class='gaugeLabel'>🌡️ Temperature</div>
<div class='gaugeLabel'>Temperature</div>
<div class='gauge__container'>
<div class='gauge__background'></div>
<div class='gauge__center'></div>
@ -485,7 +467,7 @@ const char HTMLgauge[] PROGMEM = R"EOF(
<div class='gauge gauge--liveupdate spacer' id='gaugeHumidity' style='float:left; margin-right: 10px;'>
<div class='gaugeLabel'>☁️ Humidity</div>
<div class='gaugeLabel'>Humidity</div>
<div class='gauge__container'>
<div class='gauge__background'></div>
<div class='gauge__center'></div>
@ -500,7 +482,7 @@ const char HTMLgauge[] PROGMEM = R"EOF(
<div class='gauge gauge--liveupdate' id='gaugeSoilmoisture' style='float:left;'>
<div class='gaugeLabel'>🪴 Soilmoisture</div>
<div class='gaugeLabel'>Soilmoisture</div>
<div class='gauge__container'>
<div class='gauge__background'></div>
<div class='gauge__center'></div>
@ -545,7 +527,7 @@ const char HTMLsystemSubNav[] PROGMEM = R"EOF(
const char JSsoilmoisture[] PROGMEM = R"EOF(
const char JSsoilmoistureTypeSelect[] PROGMEM = R"EOF(
function MoistureSensorType() {
let selVal = document.getElementById('SelMoistureSensor_Type').value;
@ -571,30 +553,5 @@ const char JSsoilmoisture[] PROGMEM = R"EOF(
function loadJSON(callback) {
var xobj = new XMLHttpRequest();
||||'GET', '/api/sensors', true);
xobj.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xobj.readyState == 4 && xobj.status == "200") {
function SoilmoistureRefresh() {
loadJSON(function(response) {
json = JSON.parse(response);
document.getElementById('iSoilmoistureRaw').textContent = json.soilmoistureRaw;
const char HTMLsoilmoistureCalibrateText[] PROGMEM = R"EOF(<p class='helpbox'> <b>Calibration</b><br>
Put your soilmoisture sensor into dry soil and hit Refresh.<br>
Adjust the value of '<i>Soilmoisture dry</i>' if needed according to the reading.<br>
Repeat this with wet soil for '<i>Soilmoisture wet</i>'.</p>)EOF";
@ -20,20 +20,12 @@ const bool APhidden = false;
// valSoilmoisture - contains the value of getSoilmoisture()
unsigned short valSoilmoisture;
// helper variable for pump control with soilmoisture
// average of last readings
unsigned short valSoilmoistureAvg = 0;
unsigned short valSoilmoistureAvg_tmp = 0;
byte valSoilmoistureAvg_count = 0;
short valSoilmoistureRaw;
// valTemperature - contains the value of getTemperature()
float valTemperature;
// valTemperature - contains the value of getHumidity()
float valHumidity;
// valWaterlevel - contains the value of getWaterlevel()
byte valWaterlevel;
// do we need a restart? (e.g. after wifi settings change)
bool NeedRestart;
bool FirstRun;
@ -42,13 +34,6 @@ byte ScreenToDisplay = 0;
// how many seconds actual screen got displayed
byte ScreenIterationPassed = 0;
// VPD value -
float valVPD;
// DayNight -
// true Day , false night
bool DayNight;
bool MaintenanceMode = false;
unsigned long MaintenanceStarted = 0;
@ -57,7 +42,12 @@ unsigned long MaintenanceStarted = 0;
byte PumpOnTimePassed = 0;
bool PumpOnManual = false;
// helper variable for pump control with soilmoisture
// average of last readings
unsigned short valSoilmoistureAvg = 0;
unsigned short valSoilmoistureAvg_tmp = 0;
byte valSoilmoistureAvg_count = 0;
//unsigned short
* millis timer
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ int getSoilmoisture(byte moistureSensor, bool returnRAW = false) {
digitalWrite(PINsoilmoisture, HIGH);
// wait a bit to let the circuit stabilize
// get analog input value
// get values 10 times and get the middle for more precise data
@ -551,15 +551,10 @@ void controlLED() {
setOutput(1, PinLEDPWM);
// its daytime
DayNight = true;
} else {
//Serial.println("good night time");
// turn off
setOutput(1, 0);
// nighttime
DayNight = false;
@ -567,7 +562,6 @@ void refreshSensors() {
byte soilmoistureAvgSampleCount = 5;
valSoilmoisture = getSoilmoisture(MoistureSensor_Type);
valSoilmoistureRaw = getSoilmoisture(MoistureSensor_Type, true);
valHumidity = getHumidity(HumiditySensor_Type);
valTemperature = getTemperature(TemperatureSensor_Type);
valWaterlevel = getWaterlevel();
@ -736,7 +730,6 @@ void controlPUMP() {
PumpOnManual = false;
setOutput(3, 0);
//digitalWrite(PinPUMP, LOW);
PumpLastOn = timeClient.getEpochTime();
EEPROM.put(237, PumpLastOn);
EEPROM.commit(); //write to EEPROM
PumpOnTimePassed = 0;
@ -831,13 +824,3 @@ void controlFAN() {
setOutput(4, PinFAN2PWM);
void initOutputs() {
pinMode(PinLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PinPUMP, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PinFAN, OUTPUT);
// set PWM frequency
for(byte i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
setOutput(i, 0);
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
* Version
#define CANGROW_VER "0.1.4"
// CANGROW_BUILD default dummy value if not set as Compiler Flag
#define CANGROW_BUILD "1a2b3c4-0000000000000"
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ String returnHTMLheader(String MenuEntry = "") {
// status icons and info
if(MaintenanceMode == true) {
// status icons
header += " | ⛅ ";
header += " | ⏸️ ";
header += MaintenanceDuration - ((millis() - MaintenanceStarted) / 1000);
header += "s";
@ -210,53 +210,33 @@ void Syslogout() {
void SysMaintenance() {
String body = returnHTMLheader();
// when requesting to handle Dimming
if( (webserver.hasArg("DimmOn")) || (webserver.hasArg("DimmOff")) ) {
// check first if PWM is disabled / relais is used
if(UseLEDrelais == false) {
// if not, do it
if( (webserver.hasArg("DimmOn")) ) {
MaintenanceMode = true;
MaintenanceStarted = millis();
body += "<div class='infomsg'>⛅ Dimm LED ON for ";
body += MaintenanceDuration;
body += "s</div>";
} else if( (webserver.hasArg("DimmOff")) ) {
MaintenanceMode = false;
body += "<div class='infomsg'>⏹️ Dimm LED OFF</div>";
} else {
// otherwise nice error
body += "<div class='warnmsg'>⛅ Cannot dimm LED, <i>Use relais for LED (disable PWM)</i> is set to <i>Yes</i> in 🔆 Grow settings</div>";
if( (webserver.hasArg("DimmOn")) ) {
MaintenanceMode = true;
MaintenanceStarted = millis();
body += "<div class='infomsg'>⏸️ Dimm LED On for ";
body += MaintenanceDuration;
body += "s</div>";
} else if (webserver.hasArg("DimmOff")){
MaintenanceMode = false;
body += "<div class='infomsg'>⏸️ Dimm LED Off</div>";
} else if(webserver.hasArg("PumpOnManual")) {
if(UsePump > 0) {
PumpOnManual = true;
body += "<div class='infomsg'>💧 Pump manual activated for ";
body += PumpOnTime;
body += "s</div>";
} else {
body += "<div class='warnmsg'>💧 Cannot activate, <i>Pump mode</i> is set to <i>Off</i> in 🔆 Grow settings</div>";
} else if(webserver.hasArg("PumpOffManual")) {
// stooop
setOutput(3, 0);
PumpOnManual = false;
PumpOnTimePassed = 0;
body += "<div class='infomsg'>💧 Pump manual stopped</div>";
PumpOnManual = true;
body += "<div class='infomsg'>💧 Pump manual activated for ";
body += PumpOnTime;
body += "s</div>";
body += "<h2>🧰 Maintenance</h2>";
body += "Dimm LED <a class='button' href='/system/maintenance?DimmOn=1'>⛅ On</a> <a class='button' href='/system/maintenance?DimmOff=1'>⏹️ Off</a><br><br><br>";
body += "Pump manual <a class='button' href='/system/maintenance?PumpOnManual=1'>💧 Activate for ";
body += "Dimm LED <a class='button' href='/system/maintenance?DimmOn=1'>On</a> <a class='button' href='/system/maintenance?DimmOff=1'>Off</a><br><br><br>";
body += "Pump manual <a class='button' href='/system/maintenance?PumpOnManual=1'>Activate for ";
body += PumpOnTime;
body += "s</a> ";
body += "<a class='button' href='/system/maintenance?PumpOffManual=1'>🛑 Stop manual</a><br>";
body += "s</a><br>";
body += FPSTR(HTMLfooter);
webserver.send(200, "text/html", body);
@ -379,68 +359,25 @@ void WEBroot() {
body += "'></a>\n<br>\n";
body += "<b>Grow started: 🗓️</b> ";
body += "<b>Grow started:</b> ";
body += returnStrDateFromEpoch(GrowStart);
body += "<br>\n";
body += "<b>Harvest date (est.): 🍂 </b> ";
body += returnStrDateFromEpoch(GrowStart + (60 * 60 * 24 * (DaysVeg + DaysBloom) ) );
body += "<br>\n";
body += "<b>Day of Grow: </b> ";
if(DayNight == true) {
body += " 🌞 ";
} else {
body += " 🌚 ";
body += "<b>Day of Grow:</b> ";
body += DayOfGrow;
body += "<br>\n";
body += "<b>Grow status:</b> ";
switch(growState()) {
case 1:
body += "🌱 Vegetation<br>\n";
body += "🌱 vegetation<br>\n";
case 2:
body += "🌼 Bloom (";
body += DayOfGrow - DaysVeg;
body += ")<br>\n";
body += "🌼 bloom<br>\n";
case 3:
body += "🍂 Harvest (";
body += DayOfGrow - (DaysVeg + DaysBloom);
body += ")<br>\n";
body += "🍂 harvest\n";
// VPD
body += "<b>VPD (est.): ";
// apply text color to the value according to this chart
if(valVPD < 0) {
body += "⚠️ <span class=''>";
body += valVPD;
body += "</span></b> (Danger! Check for disease!)";
} else if(valVPD < 0.4 ) {
body += "⚠️ <span class='vpd_danger1'>";
body += valVPD;
body += "</span></b> (Danger! Under transpiration!)";
} else if(valVPD < 0.8 ) {
body += "🍃 <span class='vpd_earlyveg'>";
body += valVPD;
body += "</span></b> (Early vegetation)";
} else if(valVPD < 1.2 ) {
body += "🍃 <span class='vpd_lateveg'>";
body += valVPD;
body += "</span></b> (Late vegetation)";
} else if(valVPD < 1.6 ) {
body += "🍃 <span class='vpd_latebloom'>";
body += valVPD;
body += "</span></b> (Late bloom)";
} else if(valVPD > 1.6 ) {
body += "⚠️ <span class='vpd_danger2'>";
body += valVPD;
body += "</span></b> (Danger - over transpiration!)";
body += "<br>\n";
if(UsePump > 0) {
body += "<b>Pump water level:</b> ";
switch(getWaterlevel()) {
@ -460,8 +397,7 @@ void WEBroot() {
body += "<b>Growlight brightness:</b> ";
body += ((PinLEDPWM * 100) / 255);
body += " %<br>\n";
body += "<br>\n";
//~ body += "<form method='post' action='/switch'>\n";
//~ body += "<b>MOSFET:</b> <select id='output' name='output' >\n";
//~ body += "<option disabled value='' selected hidden>---</option>\n";
@ -480,7 +416,7 @@ void WEBroot() {
//~ body += "<input type='submit' value='Save'>\n";
//~ body += "</form><br>\n";
body += "<br><a class='button' href='/system/maintenance'>🧰 Maintenance</a>";
body += "<a class='button' href='/system/maintenance'>🧰 Maintenance</a>";
body += FPSTR(HTMLfooter);
@ -531,35 +467,32 @@ void WEBgrowSettings() {
body+= "' required><br>\n";
// the input field, which calls javascript convertDateToEpoch() to write data to transmit to id GrowStart
body += "Grow start date: <input type='date' id='GrowStart_sel' onChange='convertDateToEpoch(\"GrowStart_sel\", \"GrowStart\");' value='";
body += returnStrDateFromEpoch(GrowStart);
body += "' required><br>\n";
body += "<input type='hidden' id='GrowStart' name='GrowStart' value='";
body += GrowStart;
body+= "' required>\n";
// the input field, which calls javascript convertDateToEpoch() to write data to transmit to id GrowStart
body += "Grow start date: <input type='date' id='GrowStart_sel' onChange='convertDateToEpoch(\"GrowStart_sel\", \"GrowStart\");' value='";
body += returnStrDateFromEpoch(GrowStart);
body += "' required><br><br>\n";
body += "<b>Grow duration</b><br>";
body += "Vegetation duration: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='DaysVeg' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += DaysVeg;
body+= "' required> Days<br>\n";
body+= "' required>days<br>\n";
body += "Bloom duration: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='DaysBloom' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += DaysBloom;
body+= "' required> Days<br><br>\n";
body+= "' required> days<br>\n";
body += "<b>Light configuration</b><br>";
body += "LED ON vegetation: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='LighthoursVeg' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += "Time LED ON vegetation: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='LighthoursVeg' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += LighthoursVeg;
body+= "' required> Hours<br>\n";
body+= "' required> hours<br>\n";
body += "LED ON bloom: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='LighthoursBloom' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += "Time LED ON bloom: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='LighthoursBloom' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += LighthoursBloom;
body+= "' required> Hours<br>\n";
body+= "' required> hours<br>\n";
body += "Sunrise: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='SunriseHour' min='0' max='23' value='";
body += SunriseHour;
@ -588,9 +521,7 @@ void WEBgrowSettings() {
body += "<option value='0'" + returnStrSelected(PinLEDPWM, 0) + ">Off</option>\n";
body += "</select><br>\n";
body += "<br>";
body += "<b>Fan configuration</b><br>";
if(UseFANrelais == false) {
body += "FAN1 speed: <input type='range' id='PinFANPWM' name='PinFANPWM' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += PinFANPWM;
@ -604,42 +535,20 @@ void WEBgrowSettings() {
body += "FAN2 speed: <input type='range' id='PinFAN2PWM' name='PinFAN2PWM' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += PinFAN2PWM;
body += "'/> %<br><br>\n";
body += "'/> %<br>\n";
body += "<b>Pump configuration</b><br>";
// PumpMode byte
body += "Pump mode: <select id='UsePump' name='UsePump' required>\n";
if(configured == false){body += "<option disabled value='' selected hidden>---</option>\n";}
body += "<option value='0'" + returnStrSelected(UsePump, 0) + ">Off</option>\n";
body += "<option value='1'" + returnStrSelected(UsePump, 1) + ">1</option>\n";
body += "<option value='2'" + returnStrSelected(UsePump, 2) + ">2</option>\n";
body += "<option value='3'" + returnStrSelected(UsePump, 3) + ">3</option>\n";
body += "</select><br><p class='helpbox'><b>1:</b> Water every few days.<br> \
<b>2:</b> Water if the soil moisture falls below <i>Soilmoisture low</i> value<br> \
<b>3:</b> Water every few days if the soil moisture falls below <i>Soilmoisture low</i> value.</p>\n";
// TODO ugly. can this done be better?
// PumpOnTime int
body += "Pump ON time: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='PumpOnTime' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += PumpOnTime;
body += "' required> Seconds<br>\n";
// SoilmoistureLow byte
body += "Soilmoisture low: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='SoilmoistureLow' min='0' value='";
body += SoilmoistureLow;
body += "' required> %<br>\n";
body += "Pump interval vegetation: every <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='PumpIntervalVeg' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += PumpIntervalVeg;
body += "' required> Days<br>\n";
body += "' required ";
if( (UsePump != 1) && UsePump != 3) { body += "readonly"; }
body += "> days<br>\n";
body += "Pump interval bloom: every <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='PumpIntervalBloom' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += PumpIntervalBloom;
body += "' required> Days<br><br>\n";
body += "' required ";
if((UsePump != 1) && (UsePump != 3)) { body += "readonly"; }
body += "> days<br>\n";
body += "<input type='submit' value='💾 Save settings'>\n";
@ -676,33 +585,62 @@ void WEBsystemSettings() {
// form starts
body += "<form method='post' action='/systemSettings/save'>\n";
body += "<b>Output configuration</b><br>";
// UseFan bool
//~ body += "Fan mode: <select id='UseFan' name='UseFan' required>\n";
//~ if(configured == false){body += "<option disabled value='' selected hidden>---</option>\n";}
//~ body += "<option value='1'" + returnStrSelected(UseFan, 0) + ">Off</option>\n";
//~ body += "<option value='1'" + returnStrSelected(UseFan, 1) + ">Use</option>\n";
//~ body += "<option value='0'" + returnStrSelected(UseFan, 2) + ">Do not use</option>\n";
//~ body += "</select><br>\n";
// UsePump bool
body += "Use PUMP: <select id='UsePump' name='UsePump' required>\n";
if(configured == false){body += "<option disabled value='' selected hidden>---</option>\n";}
body += "<option value='1'" + returnStrSelected(UsePump, 1) + ">Yes</option>\n";
body += "<option value='0'" + returnStrSelected(UsePump, 0) + ">No</option>\n";
body += "</select><br>\n";
// OutputInvert bool
body += "Invert Outputs: <select id='OutputInvert' name='OutputInvert' required>\n";
if(configured == false){body += "<option disabled value='' selected hidden>---</option>\n";}
body += "<option value='0'" + returnStrSelected(OutputInvert, 0) + ">No</option>\n";
body += "<option value='1'" + returnStrSelected(OutputInvert, 1) + ">Yes</option>\n";
body += "<option value='0'" + returnStrSelected(OutputInvert, 0) + ">No</option>\n";
body += "</select><br>\n";
body += "<p class='helpbox'>When using CanGrow PCB v0.6, set to <b>Yes</b></p>\n";
// PumpMode byte
body += "Pump mode: <select id='UsePump' name='UsePump' required>\n";
if(configured == false){body += "<option disabled value='' selected hidden>---</option>\n";}
body += "<option value='0'" + returnStrSelected(UsePump, 0) + ">Off</option>\n";
body += "<option value='1'" + returnStrSelected(UsePump, 1) + ">1</option>\n";
body += "<option value='2'" + returnStrSelected(UsePump, 2) + ">2</option>\n";
body += "<option value='3'" + returnStrSelected(UsePump, 3) + ">3</option>\n";
body += "</select><br><p class='helpbox'><b>1:</b> Water every few days.<br> \
<b>2:</b> Water if the soil moisture falls below <i>Soilmoisture low</i> value<br> \
<b>3:</b> Water every few days if the soil moisture falls below <i>Soilmoisture low</i> value.</p>\n";
// UseLEDrelais bool
body += "Use relais for LED (disable PWM): <select id='UseLEDrelais' name='UseLEDrelais' required>\n";
if(configured == false){body += "<option disabled value='' selected hidden>---</option>\n";}
body += "<option value='0'" + returnStrSelected(UseLEDrelais, 0) + ">No</option>\n";
body += "<option value='1'" + returnStrSelected(UseLEDrelais, 1) + ">Yes</option>\n";
body += "<option value='0'" + returnStrSelected(UseLEDrelais, 0) + ">No</option>\n";
body += "</select><br>\n";
// UseFANrelais bool
body += "Use relais for FAN1 (disable PWM): <select id='UseFANrelais' name='UseFANrelais' required>\n";
if(configured == false){body += "<option disabled value='' selected hidden>---</option>\n";}
body += "<option value='0'" + returnStrSelected(UseFANrelais, 0) + ">No</option>\n";
body += "<option value='1'" + returnStrSelected(UseFANrelais, 1) + ">Yes</option>\n";
body += "</select><br><br>\n";
body += "<b>Sensor configuration</b><br>";
body += "<option value='0'" + returnStrSelected(UseFANrelais, 0) + ">No</option>\n";
body += "</select><br>\n";
// TODO ugly. can this done be better?
// PumpOnTime int
body += "Pump ON time: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='PumpOnTime' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += PumpOnTime;
body += "' required> Seconds<br>\n";
// MoistureSensor_Type byte
body += "Soilmoisture sensor: <select id='SelMoistureSensor_Type' name='MoistureSensor_Type' onchange='MoistureSensorType();' required>\n";
if(configured == false) {
@ -712,30 +650,28 @@ void WEBsystemSettings() {
body += "<option value='2'" + returnStrSelected(MoistureSensor_Type, 2) + ">I2C Chirp (0x20)</option>\n";
body += "</select><br>\n";
// SoilmoistureDry byte
body += "Soilmoisture dry: <input type='number' id='iSoilmoistureDry' name='SoilmoistureDry' min='0' value='";
body += SoilmoistureDry;
body += "' required><br>\n";
// SoilmoistureLow byte
body += "Soilmoisture low: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='SoilmoistureLow' min='0' value='";
body += SoilmoistureLow;
body += "' required> %<br>\n";
// SoilmoistureWet byte
body += "Soilmoisture wet: <input type='number' id='iSoilmoistureWet' name='SoilmoistureWet' min='0' value='";
body += SoilmoistureWet;
body += "' required><br>\n";
if(configured == true) {
// refresh valSoilmoistureRaw to ensure we have fresh data
body += "Soilmoisture raw reading: <i><span id='iSoilmoistureRaw'>";
body += valSoilmoistureRaw;
body += "</span></i> <input type='button' class='button' value='🔃 Refresh' style='padding: 3px;' onclick='SoilmoistureRefresh();'><br>\n";
body += FPSTR(HTMLsoilmoistureCalibrateText);
} else {
body += "<p class='helpbox'> <b>Calibration</b><br> \
You have to save settings first before you can calibrate the soilmoisture sensor.<p>";
body += "' required>\n";
body += "<p class='helpbox'><b>Analog capacitive:</b> <i>160</i><br> \
<b>I2C Chirp:</b> <i>485</i></p>";
// SoilmoistureDry byte
body += "Soilmoisture dry: <input type='number' id='iSoilmoistureDry' name='SoilmoistureDry' min='0' value='";
body += SoilmoistureDry;
body += "' required>\n";
body += "<p class='helpbox'><b>Analog capacitive:</b> <i>360</i><br> \
<b>I2C Chirp:</b> <i>250</i></p>";
// MoistureSensor_Type Javascript
body += FPSTR(JSsoilmoisture);
body += FPSTR(JSsoilmoistureTypeSelect);
// TemperatureSensor_Type byte
@ -759,14 +695,10 @@ void WEBsystemSettings() {
body += "<option value='2'" + returnStrSelected(HumiditySensor_Type, 2) + ">I2C BME280 (0x77)</option>\n";
body += "<option value='3'" + returnStrSelected(HumiditySensor_Type, 3) + ">I2C SHT31 (0x44)</option>\n";
body += "<option value='4'" + returnStrSelected(HumiditySensor_Type, 4) + ">I2C SHT31 (0x45)</option>\n";
body += "</select><br><br>\n";
body += "<b>General configuration</b><br>";
body += "</select><br>\n";
// NtpOffset int
body += "NTP offset/UTC timezone: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='NtpOffset' min='-12' max='14' value='";
body += "NTP offset: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='NtpOffset' min='-12' max='14' value='";
body += NtpOffset;
body+= "' required> Hours<br>\n";
@ -787,7 +719,7 @@ void WEBsystemSettings() {
body += "ESP32-Cam IP (optional): <input type='text' name='Esp32CamIP' maxlength='16' value='";
body += Esp32CamIP;
body += "' ><br><br>\n";
body += "' ><br>\n";
body += "<input type='submit' value='💾 Save settings'>\n";
@ -856,7 +788,7 @@ void WEBwifiSettings() {
body += "IP: <input type='text' name='WIFIip'><br>\n";
body += "Subnet mask: <input type='text' name='WIFInetmask'><br>\n";
body += "Gateway: <input type='text' name='WIFIgateway'><br>\n";
body += "DNS: <input type='text' name='WIFIdns'><br><br>\n";
body += "DNS: <input type='text' name='WIFIdns'><br>\n";
body += "<input type='submit' value='💾 Save settings'>\n";
body += "</form>\n";
body += FPSTR(HTMLfooter);
@ -896,11 +828,6 @@ void POSTgrowSettings() {
SunriseMinute = webserver.arg("SunriseMinute").toInt();
SunFade = webserver.arg("SunFade").toInt();
SunFadeDuration = webserver.arg("SunFadeDuration").toInt();
UsePump = webserver.arg("UsePump").toInt();
PumpOnTime = webserver.arg("PumpOnTime").toInt();
SoilmoistureLow = webserver.arg("SoilmoistureLow").toInt();
PumpIntervalVeg = webserver.arg("PumpIntervalVeg").toInt();
PumpIntervalBloom = webserver.arg("PumpIntervalBloom").toInt();
@ -928,15 +855,6 @@ void POSTgrowSettings() {
EEPROM.put(248, PinFAN2PWM);
EEPROM.put(217, SunFade);
EEPROM.put(218, SunFadeDuration);
// size is 1 byte
EEPROM.put(163, UsePump);
// size is 1 byte
EEPROM.put(164, PumpOnTime);
// size is 1 byte
EEPROM.put(166, SoilmoistureLow);
// size is 1 byte
EEPROM.put(241, PumpIntervalVeg);
// size is 1 byte
@ -973,20 +891,6 @@ void POSTgrowSettings() {
Serial.print("PinFAN2PWM: ");
Serial.print("UsePump: ");
Serial.print("PumpOnTime: ");
Serial.print("SoilmoistureLow: ");
Serial.print("PumpIntervalVeg: ");
Serial.print("PumpIntervalBloom: ");
webserver.sendHeader("Location", String("/growSettings?success"), true);
webserver.send(302, "text/plain", "growSettings/save: success!\n");
@ -1001,8 +905,9 @@ void POSTsystemSettings() {
NtpOffset = webserver.arg("NtpOffset").toInt();
MoistureSensor_Type = webserver.arg("MoistureSensor_Type").toInt();
SoilmoistureLow = webserver.arg("SoilmoistureLow").toInt();
UsePump = webserver.arg("UsePump").toInt();
PumpOnTime = webserver.arg("PumpOnTime").toInt();
UseFan = webserver.arg("UseFan").toInt();
UseLEDrelais = webserver.arg("UseLEDrelais").toInt();
UseFANrelais = webserver.arg("UseFANrelais").toInt();
@ -1020,17 +925,23 @@ void POSTsystemSettings() {
// when configured is false, set it to true and ensure outputs are set
if(configured == false) {
configured = true;
pinMode(PinLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PinPUMP, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PinFAN, OUTPUT);
// size is 1 byte
EEPROM.put(161, configured);
// size is 1 byte
EEPROM.put(162, UseFan);
// size is 1 byte
EEPROM.put(163, UsePump);
// size is 1 byte
EEPROM.put(164, PumpOnTime);
// size is 1 byte
EEPROM.put(165, MoistureSensor_Type);
// size is 1 byte
EEPROM.put(166, SoilmoistureLow);
// size is 2 byte
EEPROM.put(167, NtpOffset);
// size is 1 byte
@ -1084,10 +995,14 @@ void POSTsystemSettings() {
Serial.print("UseFan: ");
Serial.print("UsePump: ");
Serial.print("PumpOnTime: ");
Serial.print("MoistureSensor_Type: ");
Serial.print("SoilmoistureLow: ");
Serial.print("NtpOffset: ");
Serial.print("UseLEDrelais: ");
@ -1235,11 +1150,9 @@ void APIgetSensors() {
jsonSensors["soilmoisture"] = valSoilmoisture;
jsonSensors["soilmoistureAvg"] = valSoilmoistureAvg;
jsonSensors["soilmoistureRaw"] = valSoilmoistureRaw;
jsonSensors["temperature"] = valTemperature;
jsonSensors["humidity"] = valHumidity;
jsonSensors["waterlevel"] = valWaterlevel;
jsonSensors["vpd"] = valVPD;
String body;
serializeJsonPretty(jsonSensors, body);
@ -1255,21 +1168,9 @@ void APIgetDebug() {
JsonObject objRuntime = jsonDebug["runtime"].add<JsonObject>();
objRuntime["PumpOnTimePassed"] = PumpOnTimePassed;
objRuntime["PumpOnManual"] = PumpOnManual;
objRuntime["valTemperature"] = valTemperature;
objRuntime["valHumidity"] = valHumidity;
objRuntime["valSoilmoisture"] = valSoilmoisture;
objRuntime["valSoilmoistureRaw"] = valSoilmoistureRaw;
objRuntime["valSoilmoistureAvg"] = valSoilmoistureAvg;
objRuntime["valSoilmoistureAvg_tmp"] = valSoilmoistureAvg_tmp;
objRuntime["valSoilmoistureAvg_count"] = valSoilmoistureAvg_count;
objRuntime["NeedRestart"] = NeedRestart;
objRuntime["FirstRun"] = FirstRun;
objRuntime["ScreenToDisplay"] = ScreenToDisplay;
objRuntime["ScreenIterationPassed"] = ScreenIterationPassed;
objRuntime["DayNight"] = DayNight;
objRuntime["MaintenanceMode"] = MaintenanceMode;
objRuntime["MaintenanceStarted"] = MaintenanceStarted;
// WiFi
JsonObject objWiFi = jsonDebug["wifi"].add<JsonObject>();
@ -1300,7 +1201,6 @@ void APIgetDebug() {
objSystem["HumiditySensor_Type"] = HumiditySensor_Type;
objSystem["PWMFrequency"] = PWMFrequency;
objSystem["DisplayScreenDuration"] = DisplayScreenDuration;
objSystem["Esp32CamIP"] = Esp32CamIP;
// Grow
JsonObject objGrow = jsonDebug["grow"].add<JsonObject>();
@ -1317,11 +1217,10 @@ void APIgetDebug() {
objGrow["SunFadeDuration"] = SunFadeDuration;
objGrow["PinLEDPWM"] = PinLEDPWM;
objGrow["PinFANPWM"] = PinFANPWM;
objGrow["PinFAN2PWM"] = PinFAN2PWM;
objGrow["DayOfGrow"] = DayOfGrow;
objGrow["PumpIntervalVeg"] = PumpIntervalVeg;
objGrow["PumpIntervalBloom"] = PumpIntervalBloom;
objSystem["PinFAN2PWM"] = PinFAN2PWM;
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 372 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 291 KiB |
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit d4720987895bc49bdb38beb9d3e288de8bd59078
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 9412f3d1a2e334a3415d79df706dad02925488aa
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 5e34a20df62371150f7cb10330919e9393b884b1
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 78d6a130b2045a8b7b76616da81603796757ed47
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 7b2473b6b24ae340f41685b5f5b2b90ad896db04
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 61684d4516839b579b81105be3447499c1417908
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit a18e50dcea4ee17285d732d39e7bc559482d1d3d
@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
test -z $TTY && TTY="/dev/ttyUSB0"
test -z $IP && IP=""
VER="$(grep "define CANGROW_VER" Arduino/CanGrow/CanGrow_Version.h | cut -d \" -f2 |sed -e 's/\"//g')"
test -z $VER && VER="0.1.1"
BUILD="$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)-$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')"
@ -75,8 +74,7 @@ case $1 in
echo ":: Building firmware $VER $BUILD, target dir: $(pwd)/build/"
test -d build || mkdir build
${ACLI_CMD} --no-color compile -b ${BOARD} "Arduino/CanGrow/CanGrow.ino" --build-property "build.extra_flags=-DCANGROW_BUILD=\"${BUILD}\"" --output-dir build/ || exit 1
#${ACLI_CMD} --no-color compile -b ${BOARD} "Arduino/CanGrow/CanGrow.ino" --build-property "build.extra_flags=-DCANGROW_VER=\"${VER}\" -DCANGROW_BUILD=\"${BUILD}\"" --output-dir build/ || exit 1
${ACLI_CMD} --no-color compile -b ${BOARD} "Arduino/CanGrow/CanGrow.ino" --build-property "build.extra_flags=-DCANGROW_VER=\"${VER}\" -DCANGROW_BUILD=\"${BUILD}\"" --output-dir build/ || exit 1
cp build/CanGrow.ino.bin build/CanGrow_v${VER}_${BUILD}.bin
@ -4,27 +4,21 @@
<meta charset='UTF-8'>
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<title>CanGrow - Amnesia Haze</title>
<title>CanGrow - Ruderalis Indica</title>
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<ul class='nav'><li><a href='/'>🌱 Amnesiaaaa Haze</a></li>
<ul class='nav'><li><a href='/'>🌱 Ruderalis Indica</a></li>
<li><a href='/growSettings' >🔆 Grow settings</a></li>
<li><a href='/systemSettings' class='activeMenu'>⚙ System settings</a></li>
<li><a href='/wifiSettings' >📡 WiFi settings</a></li>
<li><a href='/help' >❓ Help</a></li>
<li><span class='MenuTime'>00:23:10</span></li>
<li><a href='' target='_blank'>CanGrow v0.1.3-dev</a></li>
</ul><div class='center'><h2>⚙ System settings</h2>
<ul class='subnav'>
<li><a href='/system/update'>🔄 Firmware update</a></li>
<li><a href='/system/restart' >🔁 CanGrow restart</a></li>
<li><a href='/system/wipe' >💣 Factory reset</a></li>
<p>here you can set which features and sensors you use<br></p><form method='post' action='/systemSettings/save'>
<b>Output configuration</b><br>Invert Outputs: <select id='OutputInvert' name='OutputInvert' required>
<option value='0'>No</option>
<option value='1' selected >Yes</option>
<p class='helpbox'>When using CanGrow PCB v0.6, set to <b>Yes</b></p>
Use relais for LED (disable PWM): <select id='UseLEDrelais' name='UseLEDrelais' required>
<option value='0' selected >No</option>
<option value='1'>Yes</option>
Use relais for FAN1 (disable PWM): <select id='UseFANrelais' name='UseFANrelais' required>
<option value='0'>No</option>
<option value='1' selected >Yes</option>
<b>Sensor configuration</b><br>Soilmoisture sensor: <select id='SelMoistureSensor_Type' name='MoistureSensor_Type' onchange='MoistureSensorType();' required>
<option value='1' selected >Analog capacitive</option>
<option value='2'>I2C Chirp (0x20)</option>
Soilmoisture dry: <input type='number' id='iSoilmoistureDry' name='SoilmoistureDry' min='0' value='360' required><br>
Soilmoisture wet: <input type='number' id='iSoilmoistureWet' name='SoilmoistureWet' min='0' value='160' required><br>
Soilmoisture raw reading: <i><span id='iSoilmoistureRaw'>123</span></i> <input type='button' class='button' value='🔃 Refresh' style='padding: 3px;' onclick='SoilmoistureRefresh();'>
<p class='helpbox'>
Put your soilmoisture sensor into dry soil and hit Refresh.<br>
Adjust the value of 'Soilmoisture dry' if needed according to the reading.<br>
Repeat this with wet soil for 'Soilmoisture wet'.
<li><span class='MenuTime'>00:03:39</span></li>
<li><a href='' target='_blank'>CanGrow v0.1</a></li>
</ul><div class='center'><h2>⚙ System settings</h2><p>here you can set which features and sensors you use<br></p><form method='post' action='/systemSettings/save'>
<td>Use FAN: </td>
<select id='UseFan' name='UseFan' required>
<option value='1' selected >Yes</option>
<option value='0'>No</option>
<td>Use PUMP: </td>
<td><select id='UsePump' name='UsePump' required>
<option value='1' selected >Yes</option>
<option value='0'>No</option>
<td>Use relais for LED:
<select id='UseLEDrelais' name='UseLEDrelais' required>
<option value='1'>Yes</option>
<option value='0' selected >No</option>
<td></td>Use relais for FAN: </td>
<select id='UseFANrelais' name='UseFANrelais' required>
<option value='1'>Yes</option>
<option value='0' selected >No</option>
PUMP ON time: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='PumpOnTime' min='0' max='255' value='3' required> Seconds<br>
Soilmoisture sensor: <select id='MoistureSensor_Type' name='MoistureSensor_Type' required>
<option value='1' selected >Analog capacitive</option>
<option value='2'>I2C chirp</option>
Soilmoisture low: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='SoilmoistureLow' min='0' value='20' required> %<br>
Temperature sensor: <select id='TemperatureSensor_Type' name='TemperatureSensor_Type' required>
<option value='1' selected >DHT11/22</option>
<option value='2'>I2C chirp</option>
NTP offset: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='NtpOffset' min='-12' max='14' value='2' required> Hours<br>
Maintenance Duration: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='MaintenanceDuration' min='0' max='900' value='300' required> Seconds<br>
<input type='submit' value='Save'>
function loadJSON(callback) {
var xobj = new XMLHttpRequest();
||||'GET', '/api/sensors', true);
xobj.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xobj.readyState == 4 && xobj.status == "200") {
function SoilmoistureRefresh() {
loadJSON(function(response) {
json = JSON.parse(response);
document.getElementById('iSoilmoistureRaw').textContent = json.soilmoistureRaw;
function MoistureSensorType() {
let selVal = document.getElementById('SelMoistureSensor_Type').value;
let wet = document.getElementById('iSoilmoistureWet');
let dry = document.getElementById('iSoilmoistureDry');
switch(selVal) {
case '1':
wet.value = 160;
dry.value = 360;
case '2':
wet.value = 485;
dry.value = 250;
wet.value = 0;
dry.value = 0;
Temperature sensor: <select id='TemperatureSensor_Type' name='TemperatureSensor_Type' required>
<option value='1' selected >I2C BME280 (0x76)</option>
<option value='2'>I2C BME280 (0x77)</option>
<option value='3'>I2C SHT31 (0x44)</option>
<option value='4'>I2C SHT31 (0x45)</option>
<option value='5'>I2C Chirp (0x20)</option>
Humidity sensor: <select id='HumiditySensor_Type' name='HumiditySensor_Type' required>
<option value='1' selected >I2C BME280 (0x76)</option>
<option value='2'>I2C BME280 (0x77)</option>
<option value='3'>I2C SHT31 (0x44)</option>
<option value='4'>I2C SHT31 (0x45)</option>
<b>General configuration</b><br>NTP offset/UTC timezone: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='NtpOffset' min='-12' max='14' value='1' required> Hours<br>
Maintenance Duration: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='MaintenanceDuration' min='0' max='900' value='300' required> Seconds<br>
PWM Frequency: <input type='number' name='PWMFrequency' min='0' max='20000' value='13370' required> Hz<br>
Display rotation interval: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='DisplayScreenDuration' min='0' max='255' value='3' required> Seconds<br>
<p class='helpbox'><b>0</b> will always show sensor value screen</p>ESP32-Cam IP (optional): <input type='text' name='Esp32CamIP' maxlength='16' value='' ><br><br>
<input type='submit' value='💾 Save settings'>
Reference in a new issue