💧 Pump manual activated for ";
+ body += PumpOnTime;
+ body += "s
+ } else {
+ body += "
💧 Pump mode is set to Off in ⚙ System settings
+ }
@@ -467,24 +471,27 @@ void WEBgrowSettings() {
body+= "' required> \n";
- // the input field, which calls javascript convertDateToEpoch() to write data to transmit to id GrowStart
- body += "Grow start date: \n";
body += "\n";
+ // the input field, which calls javascript convertDateToEpoch() to write data to transmit to id GrowStart
+ body += "Grow start date:
body += "Vegetation duration: days \n";
+ body+= "' required> days \n";
body += "Bloom duration: days \n";
+ body+= "' required> days
body += "Time LED ON vegetation: hours \n";
+ body+= "' required> hours
if(UseLEDrelais == false) {
body += "LED brightness: % \n";
+ body += "'/> %
body += "Pump interval vegetation: every No\n";
body += " \n";
+ body += "Output configuration ";
// OutputInvert bool
body += "Invert Outputs: \n";
+ body += "
When using CanGrow PCB v0.6, set to Yes
- // PumpMode byte
- body += "Pump mode:
1: Water every few days. \
-2: Water if the soil moisture falls below Soilmoisture low value \
-3: Water every few days if the soil moisture falls below Soilmoisture low value.
// UseLEDrelais bool
body += "Use relais for LED (disable PWM): \n";
- // TODO ugly. can this done be better?
- // PumpOnTime int
- body += "Pump ON time: Seconds \n";
+ body += "
+ body += "Sensor configuration ";
// MoistureSensor_Type byte
body += "Soilmoisture sensor: \n";
- // SoilmoistureLow byte
- body += "Soilmoisture low: % \n";
- // SoilmoistureWet byte
- body += "Soilmoisture wet: \n";
- body += "
Analog capacitive:160 \
-I2C Chirp:485
// SoilmoistureDry byte
body += "Soilmoisture dry: Analog capacitive:360 \
I2C Chirp:250";
+ // SoilmoistureWet byte
+ body += "Soilmoisture wet: \n";
+ body += "
Analog capacitive:160 \
+I2C Chirp:485
// MoistureSensor_Type Javascript
body += FPSTR(JSsoilmoistureTypeSelect);
@@ -695,7 +688,36 @@ void WEBsystemSettings() {
body += "\n";
body += "\n";
body += "\n";
- body += " \n";
+ body += "
+ body += "Pump configuration ";
+ // PumpMode byte
+ body += "Pump mode:
1: Water every few days. \
+2: Water if the soil moisture falls below Soilmoisture low value \
+3: Water every few days if the soil moisture falls below Soilmoisture low value.
+ // TODO ugly. can this done be better?
+ // PumpOnTime int
+ body += "Pump ON time: Seconds \n";
+ // SoilmoistureLow byte
+ body += "Soilmoisture low: %
+ body += "General configuration ";
// NtpOffset int
body += "NTP offset: