firmware - webui changes, move pump settings to grow settings, add debug json
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 140 additions and 84 deletions
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
// set CANGROW_VER and CANGROW_BUILD if not already done as Compiler Flag
#define CANGROW_VER "v0.0.0-dev"
#define CANGROW_VER "0.0.0-dev"
#define CANGROW_BUILD "1a2b3c4-0000000000000"
@ -20,12 +20,20 @@ const bool APhidden = false;
// valSoilmoisture - contains the value of getSoilmoisture()
unsigned short valSoilmoisture;
// helper variable for pump control with soilmoisture
// average of last readings
unsigned short valSoilmoistureAvg = 0;
unsigned short valSoilmoistureAvg_tmp = 0;
byte valSoilmoistureAvg_count = 0;
short valSoilmoistureRaw;
// valTemperature - contains the value of getTemperature()
float valTemperature;
// valTemperature - contains the value of getHumidity()
float valHumidity;
// valWaterlevel - contains the value of getWaterlevel()
byte valWaterlevel;
// do we need a restart? (e.g. after wifi settings change)
bool NeedRestart;
bool FirstRun;
@ -49,12 +57,7 @@ unsigned long MaintenanceStarted = 0;
byte PumpOnTimePassed = 0;
bool PumpOnManual = false;
// helper variable for pump control with soilmoisture
// average of last readings
unsigned short valSoilmoistureAvg = 0;
unsigned short valSoilmoistureAvg_tmp = 0;
byte valSoilmoistureAvg_count = 0;
//unsigned short
* millis timer
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ int getSoilmoisture(byte moistureSensor, bool returnRAW = false) {
digitalWrite(PINsoilmoisture, HIGH);
// wait a bit to let the circuit stabilize
// get analog input value
// get values 10 times and get the middle for more precise data
@ -567,6 +567,7 @@ void refreshSensors() {
byte soilmoistureAvgSampleCount = 5;
valSoilmoisture = getSoilmoisture(MoistureSensor_Type);
valSoilmoistureRaw = getSoilmoisture(MoistureSensor_Type, true);
valHumidity = getHumidity(HumiditySensor_Type);
valTemperature = getTemperature(TemperatureSensor_Type);
valWaterlevel = getWaterlevel();
@ -210,15 +210,26 @@ void Syslogout() {
void SysMaintenance() {
String body = returnHTMLheader();
if( (webserver.hasArg("DimmOn")) ) {
MaintenanceMode = true;
MaintenanceStarted = millis();
body += "<div class='infomsg'>⏸️ Dimm LED On for ";
body += MaintenanceDuration;
body += "s</div>";
} else if (webserver.hasArg("DimmOff")){
MaintenanceMode = false;
body += "<div class='infomsg'>⏸️ Dimm LED Off</div>";
// when requesting to handle Dimming
if( (webserver.hasArg("DimmOn")) || (webserver.hasArg("DimmOff")) ) {
// check first if PWM is disabled / relais is used
if(UseLEDrelais == true) {
// if not, do it
if( (webserver.hasArg("DimmOn")) ) {
MaintenanceMode = true;
MaintenanceStarted = millis();
body += "<div class='infomsg'>⛅ Dimm LED On for ";
body += MaintenanceDuration;
body += "s</div>";
} else if( (webserver.hasArg("DimmOff")) ) {
MaintenanceMode = false;
body += "<div class='infomsg'>⛅ Dimm LED Off</div>";
} else {
// otherwise nice error
body += "<div class='warnmsg'>⛅ LED setting <pre>Use relais for LED (disable PWM)<pre> is set to <b>Yes</b> in 🔆 Grow settings</div>";
} else if(webserver.hasArg("PumpOnManual")) {
if(UsePump == true) {
PumpOnManual = true;
@ -226,15 +237,15 @@ void SysMaintenance() {
body += PumpOnTime;
body += "s</div>";
} else {
body += "<div class='warnmsg'>💧 Pump mode is set to <b>Off</b> in ⚙ System settings</div>";
body += "<div class='warnmsg'>💧 Pump mode is set to <b>Off</b> in 🔆 Grow settings</div>";
body += "<h2>🧰 Maintenance</h2>";
body += "Dimm LED <a class='button' href='/system/maintenance?DimmOn=1'>On</a> <a class='button' href='/system/maintenance?DimmOff=1'>Off</a><br><br><br>";
body += "Pump manual <a class='button' href='/system/maintenance?PumpOnManual=1'>Activate for ";
body += "Dimm LED <a class='button' href='/system/maintenance?DimmOn=1'>⛅ On</a> <a class='button' href='/system/maintenance?DimmOff=1'>☀️ Off</a><br><br><br>";
body += "Pump manual <a class='button' href='/system/maintenance?PumpOnManual=1'>💧 Activate for ";
body += PumpOnTime;
body += "s</a><br>";
@ -523,26 +534,24 @@ void WEBgrowSettings() {
body += "<b>Grow duration</b><br>";
body += "Vegetation duration: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='DaysVeg' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += DaysVeg;
body+= "' required> days<br>\n";
body+= "' required> Days<br>\n";
body += "Bloom duration: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='DaysBloom' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += DaysBloom;
body+= "' required> days<br><br>\n";
body+= "' required> Days<br><br>\n";
body += "Time LED ON vegetation: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='LighthoursVeg' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += "<b>Light configuration</b><br>";
body += "LED ON vegetation: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='LighthoursVeg' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += LighthoursVeg;
body+= "' required> hours<br>\n";
body+= "' required> Hours<br>\n";
body += "Time LED ON bloom: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='LighthoursBloom' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += "LED ON bloom: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='LighthoursBloom' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += LighthoursBloom;
body+= "' required> hours<br><br>\n";
body+= "' required> Hours<br>\n";
body += "Sunrise: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='SunriseHour' min='0' max='23' value='";
body += SunriseHour;
@ -559,7 +568,7 @@ void WEBgrowSettings() {
body += "Fade duration: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='SunFadeDuration' min='1' max='255' value='";
body += SunFadeDuration;
body+= "' required> Minutes<br><br>\n";
body+= "' required> Minutes<br>\n";
if(UseLEDrelais == false) {
body += "LED brightness: <input type='range' id='PinLEDPWM' name='PinLEDPWM' min='0' max='255' value='";
@ -571,7 +580,9 @@ void WEBgrowSettings() {
body += "<option value='0'" + returnStrSelected(PinLEDPWM, 0) + ">Off</option>\n";
body += "</select><br>\n";
body += "<br>";
body += "<b>Fan configuration</b><br>";
if(UseFANrelais == false) {
body += "FAN1 speed: <input type='range' id='PinFANPWM' name='PinFANPWM' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += PinFANPWM;
@ -588,17 +599,52 @@ void WEBgrowSettings() {
body += "'/> %<br><br>\n";
body += "<b>Pump configuration</b><br>";
// PumpMode byte
body += "Pump mode: <select id='UsePump' name='UsePump' required>\n";
if(configured == false){body += "<option disabled value='' selected hidden>---</option>\n";}
body += "<option value='0'" + returnStrSelected(UsePump, 0) + ">Off</option>\n";
body += "<option value='1'" + returnStrSelected(UsePump, 1) + ">1</option>\n";
body += "<option value='2'" + returnStrSelected(UsePump, 2) + ">2</option>\n";
body += "<option value='3'" + returnStrSelected(UsePump, 3) + ">3</option>\n";
body += "</select><br><p class='helpbox'><b>1:</b> Water every few days.<br> \
<b>2:</b> Water if the soil moisture falls below <i>Soilmoisture low</i> value<br> \
<b>3:</b> Water every few days if the soil moisture falls below <i>Soilmoisture low</i> value.</p>\n";
// TODO ugly. can this done be better?
// PumpOnTime int
body += "Pump ON time: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='PumpOnTime' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += PumpOnTime;
body += "' required> Seconds<br>\n";
// SoilmoistureLow byte
body += "Soilmoisture low: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='SoilmoistureLow' min='0' value='";
body += SoilmoistureLow;
body += "' required> %<br>\n";
body += "Pump interval vegetation: every <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='PumpIntervalVeg' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += PumpIntervalVeg;
body += "' required ";
if( (UsePump != 1) && UsePump != 3) { body += "readonly"; }
body += "> days<br>\n";
body += "' required> Days<br>\n";
body += "Pump interval bloom: every <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='PumpIntervalBloom' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += PumpIntervalBloom;
body += "' required ";
if((UsePump != 1) && (UsePump != 3)) { body += "readonly"; }
body += "> days<br>\n";
body += "' required> Days<br><br>\n";
body += "<input type='submit' value='💾 Save settings'>\n";
@ -657,23 +703,23 @@ void WEBsystemSettings() {
// OutputInvert bool
body += "Invert Outputs: <select id='OutputInvert' name='OutputInvert' required>\n";
if(configured == false){body += "<option disabled value='' selected hidden>---</option>\n";}
body += "<option value='1'" + returnStrSelected(OutputInvert, 1) + ">Yes</option>\n";
body += "<option value='0'" + returnStrSelected(OutputInvert, 0) + ">No</option>\n";
body += "<option value='1'" + returnStrSelected(OutputInvert, 1) + ">Yes</option>\n";
body += "</select><br>\n";
body += "<p class='helpbox'>When using CanGrow PCB v0.6, set to <b>Yes</b></p>\n";
// UseLEDrelais bool
body += "Use relais for LED (disable PWM): <select id='UseLEDrelais' name='UseLEDrelais' required>\n";
if(configured == false){body += "<option disabled value='' selected hidden>---</option>\n";}
body += "<option value='1'" + returnStrSelected(UseLEDrelais, 1) + ">Yes</option>\n";
body += "<option value='0'" + returnStrSelected(UseLEDrelais, 0) + ">No</option>\n";
body += "<option value='1'" + returnStrSelected(UseLEDrelais, 1) + ">Yes</option>\n";
body += "</select><br>\n";
// UseFANrelais bool
body += "Use relais for FAN1 (disable PWM): <select id='UseFANrelais' name='UseFANrelais' required>\n";
if(configured == false){body += "<option disabled value='' selected hidden>---</option>\n";}
body += "<option value='1'" + returnStrSelected(UseFANrelais, 1) + ">Yes</option>\n";
body += "<option value='0'" + returnStrSelected(UseFANrelais, 0) + ">No</option>\n";
body += "<option value='1'" + returnStrSelected(UseFANrelais, 1) + ">Yes</option>\n";
body += "</select><br><br>\n";
@ -732,36 +778,11 @@ void WEBsystemSettings() {
body += "</select><br><br>\n";
body += "<b>Pump configuration</b><br>";
// PumpMode byte
body += "Pump mode: <select id='UsePump' name='UsePump' required>\n";
if(configured == false){body += "<option disabled value='' selected hidden>---</option>\n";}
body += "<option value='0'" + returnStrSelected(UsePump, 0) + ">Off</option>\n";
body += "<option value='1'" + returnStrSelected(UsePump, 1) + ">1</option>\n";
body += "<option value='2'" + returnStrSelected(UsePump, 2) + ">2</option>\n";
body += "<option value='3'" + returnStrSelected(UsePump, 3) + ">3</option>\n";
body += "</select><br><p class='helpbox'><b>1:</b> Water every few days.<br> \
<b>2:</b> Water if the soil moisture falls below <i>Soilmoisture low</i> value<br> \
<b>3:</b> Water every few days if the soil moisture falls below <i>Soilmoisture low</i> value.</p>\n";
// TODO ugly. can this done be better?
// PumpOnTime int
body += "Pump ON time: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='PumpOnTime' min='0' max='255' value='";
body += PumpOnTime;
body += "' required> Seconds<br>\n";
// SoilmoistureLow byte
body += "Soilmoisture low: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='SoilmoistureLow' min='0' value='";
body += SoilmoistureLow;
body += "' required> %<br><br>\n";
body += "<b>General configuration</b><br>";
// NtpOffset int
body += "NTP offset: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='NtpOffset' min='-12' max='14' value='";
body += "NTP offset/UTC timezone: <input class='inputShort' type='number' name='NtpOffset' min='-12' max='14' value='";
body += NtpOffset;
body+= "' required> Hours<br>\n";
@ -782,7 +803,7 @@ void WEBsystemSettings() {
body += "ESP32-Cam IP (optional): <input type='text' name='Esp32CamIP' maxlength='16' value='";
body += Esp32CamIP;
body += "' ><br>\n";
body += "' ><br><br>\n";
body += "<input type='submit' value='💾 Save settings'>\n";
@ -851,7 +872,7 @@ void WEBwifiSettings() {
body += "IP: <input type='text' name='WIFIip'><br>\n";
body += "Subnet mask: <input type='text' name='WIFInetmask'><br>\n";
body += "Gateway: <input type='text' name='WIFIgateway'><br>\n";
body += "DNS: <input type='text' name='WIFIdns'><br>\n";
body += "DNS: <input type='text' name='WIFIdns'><br><br>\n";
body += "<input type='submit' value='💾 Save settings'>\n";
body += "</form>\n";
body += FPSTR(HTMLfooter);
@ -891,6 +912,11 @@ void POSTgrowSettings() {
SunriseMinute = webserver.arg("SunriseMinute").toInt();
SunFade = webserver.arg("SunFade").toInt();
SunFadeDuration = webserver.arg("SunFadeDuration").toInt();
UsePump = webserver.arg("UsePump").toInt();
PumpOnTime = webserver.arg("PumpOnTime").toInt();
SoilmoistureLow = webserver.arg("SoilmoistureLow").toInt();
PumpIntervalVeg = webserver.arg("PumpIntervalVeg").toInt();
PumpIntervalBloom = webserver.arg("PumpIntervalBloom").toInt();
@ -918,6 +944,15 @@ void POSTgrowSettings() {
EEPROM.put(248, PinFAN2PWM);
EEPROM.put(217, SunFade);
EEPROM.put(218, SunFadeDuration);
// size is 1 byte
EEPROM.put(163, UsePump);
// size is 1 byte
EEPROM.put(164, PumpOnTime);
// size is 1 byte
EEPROM.put(166, SoilmoistureLow);
// size is 1 byte
EEPROM.put(241, PumpIntervalVeg);
// size is 1 byte
@ -955,6 +990,20 @@ void POSTgrowSettings() {
Serial.print("PinFAN2PWM: ");
Serial.print("UsePump: ");
Serial.print("PumpOnTime: ");
Serial.print("SoilmoistureLow: ");
Serial.print("PumpIntervalVeg: ");
Serial.print("PumpIntervalBloom: ");
webserver.sendHeader("Location", String("/growSettings?success"), true);
webserver.send(302, "text/plain", "growSettings/save: success!\n");
@ -968,9 +1017,8 @@ void POSTsystemSettings() {
NtpOffset = webserver.arg("NtpOffset").toInt();
MoistureSensor_Type = webserver.arg("MoistureSensor_Type").toInt();
SoilmoistureLow = webserver.arg("SoilmoistureLow").toInt();
UsePump = webserver.arg("UsePump").toInt();
PumpOnTime = webserver.arg("PumpOnTime").toInt();
UseFan = webserver.arg("UseFan").toInt();
UseLEDrelais = webserver.arg("UseLEDrelais").toInt();
UseFANrelais = webserver.arg("UseFANrelais").toInt();
@ -997,14 +1045,10 @@ void POSTsystemSettings() {
EEPROM.put(161, configured);
// size is 1 byte
EEPROM.put(162, UseFan);
// size is 1 byte
EEPROM.put(163, UsePump);
// size is 1 byte
EEPROM.put(164, PumpOnTime);
// size is 1 byte
EEPROM.put(165, MoistureSensor_Type);
// size is 1 byte
EEPROM.put(166, SoilmoistureLow);
// size is 2 byte
EEPROM.put(167, NtpOffset);
// size is 1 byte
@ -1058,14 +1102,10 @@ void POSTsystemSettings() {
Serial.print("UseFan: ");
Serial.print("UsePump: ");
Serial.print("PumpOnTime: ");
Serial.print("MoistureSensor_Type: ");
Serial.print("SoilmoistureLow: ");
Serial.print("NtpOffset: ");
Serial.print("UseLEDrelais: ");
@ -1213,6 +1253,7 @@ void APIgetSensors() {
jsonSensors["soilmoisture"] = valSoilmoisture;
jsonSensors["soilmoistureAvg"] = valSoilmoistureAvg;
jsonSensors["soilmoistureRaw"] = valSoilmoistureRaw;
jsonSensors["temperature"] = valTemperature;
jsonSensors["humidity"] = valHumidity;
jsonSensors["waterlevel"] = valWaterlevel;
@ -1232,10 +1273,21 @@ void APIgetDebug() {
JsonObject objRuntime = jsonDebug["runtime"].add<JsonObject>();
objRuntime["PumpOnTimePassed"] = PumpOnTimePassed;
objRuntime["PumpOnManual"] = PumpOnManual;
objRuntime["valTemperature"] = valTemperature;
objRuntime["valHumidity"] = valHumidity;
objRuntime["valSoilmoisture"] = valSoilmoisture;
objRuntime["valSoilmoistureRaw"] = valSoilmoistureRaw;
objRuntime["valSoilmoistureAvg"] = valSoilmoistureAvg;
objRuntime["valSoilmoistureAvg_tmp"] = valSoilmoistureAvg_tmp;
objRuntime["valSoilmoistureAvg_count"] = valSoilmoistureAvg_count;
objRuntime["valVPD"] = valVPD;
objRuntime["NeedRestart"] = NeedRestart;
objRuntime["FirstRun"] = FirstRun;
objRuntime["ScreenToDisplay"] = ScreenToDisplay;
objRuntime["ScreenIterationPassed"] = ScreenIterationPassed;
objRuntime["DayNight"] = DayNight;
objRuntime["MaintenanceMode"] = MaintenanceMode;
objRuntime["MaintenanceStarted"] = MaintenanceStarted;
// WiFi
JsonObject objWiFi = jsonDebug["wifi"].add<JsonObject>();
Reference in a new issue