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2024-12-12 02:19:04 +01:00
< title > CanGrow - Amnesia Haze< / title >
2024-05-22 21:24:29 +02:00
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2024-12-12 02:19:04 +01:00
< ul class = 'nav' > < li > < a href = '/' > 🌱 Amnesiaaaa Haze< / a > < / li >
2024-05-22 21:24:29 +02:00
< li > < a href = '/growSettings' > 🔆 Grow settings< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = '/systemSettings' class = 'activeMenu' > ⚙ System settings< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = '/wifiSettings' > 📡 WiFi settings< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = '/help' > ❓ Help< / a > < / li >
2024-12-12 02:19:04 +01:00
< li > < span class = 'MenuTime' > 00:23:10< / span > < / li >
< li > < a href = 'https://git.la10cy.net/DeltaLima/CanGrow' target = '_blank' > CanGrow v0.1.3-dev< / a > < / li >
< / ul > < div class = 'center' > < h2 > ⚙ System settings< / h2 >
< ul class = 'subnav' >
< li > < a href = '/system/update' > 🔄 Firmware update< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = '/system/restart' > 🔁 CanGrow restart< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = '/system/wipe' > 💣 Factory reset< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< p > here you can set which features and sensors you use< br > < / p > < form method = 'post' action = '/systemSettings/save' >
< b > Output configuration< / b > < br > Invert Outputs: < select id = 'OutputInvert' name = 'OutputInvert' required >
< option value = '0' > No< / option >
< option value = '1' selected > Yes< / option >
< / select > < br >
< p class = 'helpbox' > When using CanGrow PCB v0.6, set to < b > Yes< / b > < / p >
Use relais for LED (disable PWM): < select id = 'UseLEDrelais' name = 'UseLEDrelais' required >
< option value = '0' selected > No< / option >
< option value = '1' > Yes< / option >
< / select > < br >
Use relais for FAN1 (disable PWM): < select id = 'UseFANrelais' name = 'UseFANrelais' required >
< option value = '0' > No< / option >
< option value = '1' selected > Yes< / option >
< / select > < br > < br >
< b > Sensor configuration< / b > < br > Soilmoisture sensor: < select id = 'SelMoistureSensor_Type' name = 'MoistureSensor_Type' onchange = 'MoistureSensorType();' required >
< option value = '1' selected > Analog capacitive< / option >
< option value = '2' > I2C Chirp (0x20)< / option >
< / select > < br >
Soilmoisture dry: < input type = 'number' id = 'iSoilmoistureDry' name = 'SoilmoistureDry' min = '0' value = '360' required > < br >
Soilmoisture wet: < input type = 'number' id = 'iSoilmoistureWet' name = 'SoilmoistureWet' min = '0' value = '160' required > < br >
Soilmoisture raw reading: < i > < span id = 'iSoilmoistureRaw' > 123< / span > < / i > < input type = 'button' class = 'button' value = '🔃 Refresh' style = 'padding: 3px;' onclick = 'SoilmoistureRefresh();' >
< p class = 'helpbox' >
< b > Calibration< / b > < br >
Put your soilmoisture sensor into dry soil and hit Refresh.< br >
Adjust the value of 'Soilmoisture dry' if needed according to the reading.< br >
Repeat this with wet soil for 'Soilmoisture wet'.
< / p >
< script >
function loadJSON(callback) {
var xobj = new XMLHttpRequest();
xobj.open('GET', '/api/sensors', true);
xobj.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xobj.readyState == 4 & & xobj.status == "200") {
function SoilmoistureRefresh() {
loadJSON(function(response) {
json = JSON.parse(response);
document.getElementById('iSoilmoistureRaw').textContent = json.soilmoistureRaw;
function MoistureSensorType() {
let selVal = document.getElementById('SelMoistureSensor_Type').value;
let wet = document.getElementById('iSoilmoistureWet');
let dry = document.getElementById('iSoilmoistureDry');
switch(selVal) {
case '1':
wet.value = 160;
dry.value = 360;
case '2':
wet.value = 485;
dry.value = 250;
wet.value = 0;
dry.value = 0;
< / script >
Temperature sensor: < select id = 'TemperatureSensor_Type' name = 'TemperatureSensor_Type' required >
< option value = '1' selected > I2C BME280 (0x76)< / option >
< option value = '2' > I2C BME280 (0x77)< / option >
< option value = '3' > I2C SHT31 (0x44)< / option >
< option value = '4' > I2C SHT31 (0x45)< / option >
< option value = '5' > I2C Chirp (0x20)< / option >
< / select > < br >
Humidity sensor: < select id = 'HumiditySensor_Type' name = 'HumiditySensor_Type' required >
< option value = '1' selected > I2C BME280 (0x76)< / option >
< option value = '2' > I2C BME280 (0x77)< / option >
< option value = '3' > I2C SHT31 (0x44)< / option >
< option value = '4' > I2C SHT31 (0x45)< / option >
< / select > < br > < br >
< b > General configuration< / b > < br > NTP offset/UTC timezone: < input class = 'inputShort' type = 'number' name = 'NtpOffset' min = '-12' max = '14' value = '1' required > Hours< br >
Maintenance Duration: < input class = 'inputShort' type = 'number' name = 'MaintenanceDuration' min = '0' max = '900' value = '300' required > Seconds< br >
PWM Frequency: < input type = 'number' name = 'PWMFrequency' min = '0' max = '20000' value = '13370' required > Hz< br >
Display rotation interval: < input class = 'inputShort' type = 'number' name = 'DisplayScreenDuration' min = '0' max = '255' value = '3' required > Seconds< br >
< p class = 'helpbox' > < b > 0< / b > will always show sensor value screen< / p > ESP32-Cam IP (optional): < input type = 'text' name = 'Esp32CamIP' maxlength = '16' value = '' > < br > < br >
< input type = 'submit' value = '💾 Save settings' >
2024-05-22 21:24:29 +02:00
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